Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Wizard of Oz (2)

"Over the Rainbow"
In 1899, writer L. Frank Baum wrote the book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It quickly became the most popular children's book of the day, and Baum followed it with a series of "Oz" books. He and others produced stage shows and silent film versions of the story. But when movie studio MGM released The Wizard of Oz in 1939, all previous versions were basically forgotten.

The talented 17-year-old Judy Garland brought Dorothy Gale to life, and Garland would forever be associated with the role. Audiences related to young Dorothy, who dreamed about a place beyond the rainbow where troubles were far, far away.

America was in the midst of the Great Depression, and moviegoers were like Dorothy. They wanted to escape and forget their problems, if only for a little while.

The film has appeared on American TV almost every since 1959. Many families have made it an annual tradition to watch the film together. Once the movie begins, the magic never fades, and viewers are transported once again to the wonderful Land of Oz!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Movie vs. Film (Movie 和 Film的差別)
film & movie 都是指電影, 可以替換著用
但如果要細分, film指的是比較有深度的電影,
影展就叫做 film festival
movie 比較用於商業性質的商業片,
電影也可以稱為 the big screen (大螢幕),
這個字可以當名詞, 例如:
- What's playing on the big screen?
- He is a big-screen star. = He is a movie star.
相對的, the small screen指的是電視

Grammar Gym
They wanted to escape and forget their problems, if only for a little while.
if only: if there are no other reasons or choices
- Let's go to the museum, if only to see the outside of the building.
- I know Uncle James is busy, but I would still like to see him, if only to say hello.

Language Lab
series n.
a set of television or radio programmes that have the same characters or deal with the same type of subject, and are usually broadcast every week or several times a week:
- The TV series "Lost" was very popular among teens.
several events or actions of a similar type that happen one after the other:
- A series of explosions took place in the city last week.

associate v.
to make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another
- Even though many years have passed, people still associate Britney Spears with Justin Timberlake.
associate with somebody
to spend time with someone, especially someone that other people disapprove
- The teacher warned him not to associate with those dropouts.

annual adj.
happening once a year:
- The foundation's annual conference will be held in L.A.
- The department's annual budget was cut by 15 percent.
annually adv.
- All employee's salaries are reviewed annually.

viewer n.
someone who watches television:
- Millions of viewers anticipated watching the World Series.
audience n.
a group of people who come to watch and listen to someone speaking or performing in public
- The audience was amazed by the performer.


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