Saturday, August 16, 2014

Once Upon a Time (3)

Trying to make hay while the sun shines, the prince and Ray left immediately. After a while, they stopped for a snack. While they were eating , they heard a roar. A monster, which looked like a giant bat, was flying toward them. Prince Gale threw caution to the wind and charged. He swung his sword but missed, and the monster knocked him down. Ray helped the prince by throwing the first he saw- an open bottle of juice. It splashed into the monster's eyes, blinding it for a moment. That gave Prince Gale time to kill it.

The prince and Ray ran like the wind back to the city to get the magic stone. They returned home and used it to cure the king.

After the monster's defeat, everything was right as rain in Foggy Kingdom. The people built several new cities. When Prince Gale got wind of this news, he visited the kingdom. He and Queen Misty fell in love, got married and lived happily ever after.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Weather Lore (預測天氣的諺語)
從古至今, 人們都希望可以預測天氣,
- Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning, red skies at night, sailor's delight.
早上天空呈現紅色, 水手們有所警介, 因為會是壞天氣;
晚上天空呈現紅色, 水手們會高興, 因為第二天會是好天氣
- A cow's tail to the west makes the weather the best; a cow's tail to the east makes the weather the least.
牛尾朝西天氣好; 牛尾朝東天氣壞

Grammar Gym
Ray helped the prince by throwing the first he saw- an open bottle of juice.
[Subject] [verb1] by [verb2-ing] the first [person/thing] he/she saw- [something].
- The traveler got directions by asking the first person he saw- a blind musician playing by the roadside.
- The clumsy waiter made the problem worse by wiping the spill with the first thing he saw- an expensive scarf of a dinner guest.

Language Lab
immediately adv.
without delay [= at once]:
- William got a phone call from home and rushed out the office immediately.
- The mechanic spotted the car's problem immediately.
immediate adj.
happening or done at once and without delay:
- My boss didn't make an immediate response to my request.

knock down phrasal verb
to hit or push someone so that they fall to the ground:
- The boxer was knocked down in the third round of the match.
knock somebody ↔ down
- When the old lady was crossing the street, a motorcycle knocked her down.

make hay while the sun shines = don't procrastinate
to take the opportunity to do something now, because you may not be able to do it later

defeat n.
failure to succeed or to win
- The football team's morale is very low because of its series of defeats.
defeat v.
to win a victory over (someone or something) in a war, contest, game, etc.
- I believe we can defeat our opponents and win the title.

right as rain spoken
completely healthy
- After being treated in the hospital, the wounded driver is now right as rain.
no problems
- Molly is a great accountant. She always right as rain when it comes to numbers.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, I really like to read your article.
