Monday, August 11, 2014

Remix! Fusion Music (1)

Yesterday’s music becomes today’s

Musical taste is very individual yet built on the musical taste and talents of others. As time goes on, different styles and voices produce more and more musical combinations with no end in sight. Here are a few.

Rock 'n' roll
During World War II, a quarter of the U.S. population moved around the country, getting regional styles like blues, gospel and country-western acquainted. Add the first mass-produced electric guitar and the later appearance of Elvis Presley, and the new rock 'n' roll music quickly took the nation by storm.

Folk rock
Rock 'n' roll influenced other genres in turn, like folk music - but change within genres didn't come easily. When the most famous of all folk musicians, Bob Dylan, picked up an electric guitar at a concert in 1965, people shouted him off the stage. But folk rock caught on and is still popular because of bands like Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers.

Classical Crossover 
Another popular contemporary genre evolved by crossing classically trained singers like Andrea Bocelli and Josh Groban with pop music. Classical pieces are given an electric flavor, and well-known tunes become Italian arias. For examples, "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic was turned into "I'll Mio Cuore Va."

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Classic vs. Retro (Classic與Retro的差別)
原因可能是因為這個音樂本身是 classic 經典作品,
retro來自拉丁文, 表示向後, 倒退, 追溯, 回復,
就像 retrospective 這個字是指回顧
retro 就是復古的意思,
retro & classic 雖然都源自於過去,
但最大的差別就是 classic 就是貨真價實真品,

Grammar Gym
with no end in sight: going on and on, endless, continuous
- As time goes on, different styles and voices produce more and more musical combinations with no end in sight.
- The 24-hours all-you-can-eat buffet is amazing; the restaurant just keeps bringing food out with no end in sight.
- As Barney washed the dishes, he noticed the dirty dishes kept coming with no end in sight. Cinderella's step-mother gave her so many chores to do with no end in sight.

Language Lab
fusion n. 融合, 融化, 融合物
a combination of separate qualities or ideas;
fusion music 混合多種曲風的音樂
a type of music which mixes jazz with other types of music, especially rock
- That band's fusion music album is quite popular in Asia.
fusion cuisine 無國界料理
- This chef is famous for his creative fusion cuisine.

blues n. 藍調音樂, 憂鬱, 沮喪
feelings of sadness;
a slow sad style of music that came from the southern US;
- Patty sings in a blues bar in Chicago.
- B. B. King was a legendary blues singer.
- The sudden layoff from his job gave Lawrence the blues.

genre n. 文藝作品的種類, 類型
a particular type or category of literature or art
- Norman's favorite movie genres are comedies and thrillers.
- The cafe plays music from all genres.
- In her time, the writer successfully created a new genre of drama.

contemporary adj. 當代的, 同時代的;
belonging to the present time [= modern]
- The exhibition of contemporary British artists attracted many visitors.
contemporary n. 同時代的人事物
happening or beginning now or in recent times
- These two artists were contemporaries and admired each other's work.


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