Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My South Pacific Cruise (3)

Life Aboard the Ship 
Our days at sea were also fun. In the mornings we sat on the top deck, sipping hot coffee and snacking on fruit and toast with Vegemite. In the afternoons we sat by the pool and read. In the evenings we did our hair and makeup and headed down to the fancy dining room for dinner. The ship was more than a hotel - there were activities onboard to suit anyone's tastes. Choices ranged from cooking lessons to lectures about outer space. And every night, the crew held fun dance parties or hosted shows with professional singers and dancers.

Our favorite activity was the daily trivia game. We teamed up with a group of Australians, and together we competed for prizes. On the last day of the cruise, our team won!

After two fantastic weeks of sun and sea, Katie and I headed home. We were sad to say goodbye to all the new friends we had made onboard. But we were glad that we'd had such a great time!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Saying Goodbye With Humor 詼諧的離別語
英文裡可使用 pun 雙關語, 讓語言更有趣
想要道別又不尷尬的時候, 可以說:
1. I'm going to make like a tree and leave.
字面上是說我要伴成一顆樹, 然後離開,
樹上的葉子leaves & leave 就是雙關語

2. Make like an egg and beat it.
字面上指做一個雞蛋, 然後beat it,

Grammar Gym
We teamed up with a group of Australians, and together we competed for prizes.
[Subject] teamed up with [somebody], and together we/they ...
- Bobby teamed up with the boys next door, and together they built the largest treehouse in the neighborhood.
- Clara and her sisters teamed up with their aunt, and together they planned a surprise party for Grandma Susan.

Language Lab
makeup n. 化妝, 化妝品
[uncountable] coloured substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance
- The bride's makeup looks very natural and pretty.
- Rose only wears makeup on special occasions.
makeup n. 組成, 結構
[singular] the make-up of a group or team is the combination of people that are in it
- The makeup of the small town is constantly changing.

lecture n. 授課, 演講
a long talk on a particular subject that someone gives to a group of people, especially to students in a university
- Professor Frasier gave us a brilliant lecture on criminal psychology.
lecture n. 冗長的訓話或責備
an act of criticizing someone or warning them about something in a long, serious talk, in a way that they think is unfair or unnecessary
- The police officer gave the driver a lecture on speeding and then gave him a ticket.

trivia n. 冷知識, 益智遊戲
detailed facts about history, sport, famous people etc;
unimportant or useless details;
- The TV show is popular because of its interesting trivia quiz.
- The teacher made learning fun by turning the lesson into a fun trivia game.

fantastic adj. 極好的, 了不起的
extremely good, attractive, enjoyable etc:
- Laura looks fantastic after losing weight.
- Victor always comes up with fantastic ideas.
fantasy n. 奇幻故事, 幻想場面
[uncountable and countable] an exciting and unusual experience or situation you imagine happening to you, but which will probably never happen:
- The story is about a fantasy land where a hundred princesses live.

alliteration n.
the use of several words together that begin with the same sound or letter in order to make a special effect, especially in poetry


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