Wednesday, December 31, 2014

For Better Results, Visualize your New Year’s Resolutions (2)

4. Once your outcome is clear, make a life-size picture of it. Visualize yourself acting, seeing, feeling and hearing as you will once your goal is reached. Make it big, adding intensity through colors, sounds and feelings.

5. Break [the goal] into smaller steps (i.e., to lose 10 pounds, for the next 10 weeks, walk for 30 minutes each morning, or take a walk at lunch.).

6. With each sub-goal, repeat steps 1 to 5. (For example, visualize which gym to join [and] the day you will join it. [Think of] how good you will feel accomplishing this first step, how you will celebrate with friends, etc. To reinforce the mental image, write down a description of it.)

January 1 is a day of hope for the future. Carry that hope through to a positive outcome. Let your mind assist you in seeing where you want to go and guiding you there with a mental image.

Focusing on the outcome will keep you from straying away from the shortest path to achieving your goal.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Two Confused Latin Abbreviations 兩個易混淆的拉丁文簡寫
當一句話出現i.e.時, 就表示 換言之, 換句話說,
如果要建議某個人 break the goal into smaller steps,
後面可以再加 i.e., to lose 10 pounds, for the next 10 weeks, walk for 30 minutes each morning.

另一個常見的縮寫是e.g. 也就是例如的意思,
你可以寫 I like Mexican food, e.g., tacos.

i.e. (i= in other words)
e.g. 讀起來像egg. 像example 第一個音節的發音

Grammar Gym
Think of how good you will feel accomplishing this first step.
Think of how [emotion/feeling] you will feel [doing something].
- Think of how relaxed you will feel having a clean room.
- You might want to hurry up. Think of how bad you will feel making your mother wait.

Language Lab
life-size adj.
a picture or model of something or someone that is life-size is the same size as they really are:
- The life-size standees of the movie stars attracted many visitors to take pictures.
- A life-size statue of the organization's founder was put in the middle of the main hall.

accomplish v.
to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard [= achieve]:
- At age 25, Billy had already accomplished his goal of owning his own business.
- If we work together as a team, we can accomplish great things.
accomplishment n.
something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work [= achievement]
- The movie is a great accomplishment for the director.

carry through phrasal verb
to complete or finish something successfully, in spite of difficulties:
- We need more funds to carry the project through.
- Ivy is determined to carry through her goal of finishing college.

stray v.
to move away from the place you should be
- Children are not allowed to stray into this construction site.
- The village's road system is complicated. It's easy for visitors to stray off the correct path.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For Better Results, Visualize your New Year’s Resolutions (1)

Some advice to help you reach your goals this year

About to make your annual resolutions for self-improvement in the New Year?

Whether you are planning to lose weight, save for a trip or find a new job, don't find yourself slipping in your resolve. Set yourself up to win!

"This year can be different if you approach your resolutions the right way," explains Dr. Daniela White, board-certified psychiatrist.

White suggests taking this approach:

1. Set up one goal with a well-defined, measurable outcome (i.e., losing 10 pounds).

2. Determine the period over which you want to achieve that goal, making it a reasonable expectation. (For example, to lose 10 pounds, remember that the healthy way to do that is to trim off 1 pound per week. It will take a minimum of 10 weeks to achieve the goal.)

3. Give your desired outcome details, including dreaming about how you will feel when you achieve it and how others will perceive you (i.e., visualize the lighter-weight you now fitting into a certain outfit; How will you look? How will you feel? How will people react when seeing you?)

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Board, the Wooden Table  木板桌子的意義
因為在古時候, 英國人家裡的廚房就有一個用wooden board做成的桌子,
學校提供room and board 就表示提供吃住,
因此boarding student 就是記宿學校的學生,
above board字面上是在板子上之意,
像是在玩牌的時候, 大家的手都放在桌子上, 表示沒有人做幣,
所以 above board表示光明正大之意,
董事長叫做chairman of the board 是因為古時候開家族會議時,

Language Lab
resolution n.
strong belief and determination
resolve v.
to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty

outcome n.
the final result of a meeting, discussion, war etc - used especially when no one knows what it will be until it actually happens [= result]
- It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.

trim off 
past tense and past participle trimmed, present participle trimming [transitive]
1cut to make something look neater by cutting small pieces off it
2reduce to reduce a number, amount, or the size of something

minimum n.
the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessary [≠ maximum]


Monday, December 29, 2014

How to Save Money

Creative ways to put more money in your bank account

Are you eager to save money? Many people are. Here are a few simple ways to do that and still enjoy life!

Drink more water
Instead of buying tea or coffee with a meal, drink water. Water is better for your health, and drinking it saves you money.

Don't go out to eat
Perhaps you enjoy hosting parties. Invite your friends over to your house instead of a restaurant. You can have a potluck and play games. It is an ideal way to have fun, but at a lower cost.

Keep your change
Put all of your loose change in a jar. If you set aside just US$5 a week, you can save lots of money over time. Once in a while, deposit the change in the bank.

Know how much you spend
How much money do you spend every week? Don't know? Track your spending. You can use a finance-tracking app like BUDGET. Learnvest or Mint. Then you will know how much money you can spend. If you don't have the cash, don't buy something.

Make small changes in your life, and watch your money grow.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Restaurantese  餐飲業術語
字尾ese加在某個專業領域之後, 就表示具有那個專業的語言,
例如: legalese 法律上使用的行話術語, restaurantese 餐飲業術語,
另外, 服務生會用 "How are we doing today?"
"we" 用we 是指我們是朋友嗎?
還有廚師常常會跟服務生說: This hamburger is growing a beard!
這個hamburger已經在長胡子了, 指的是這份餐點已經快要冷掉了! 要快點送餐了!

Language Lab
eager adj.
very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do
eagerness n.
- People were pushing each other out of the way in their eagerness to get to the front.

ideal adj.
the best or most suitable that something could possibly be;
- With so much rain, conditions are far from ideal.
an ideal world, job, system etc is one that you imagine to be perfect, but that is not likely to really exist
- In an ideal world there would be no need for a police force.

set aside phrasal verb
to keep something, especially money, time, or a particular area, for a special purpose
- Try to set aside some time each day for exercise.

deposit v.
to put money or something valuable in a bank or other place where it will be safe
- You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe.
withdraw v.
to take money out of a bank account
- I'd like to withdraw £500 from my current account.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Treats

Christmastime calls for lots of sweet treats!

Many people look forward to sweet treats during the Christmas holidays. Fruitcake is part of the Christmas celebration in many countries. This rich cake is made with spices, dried fruit and nuts. The best fruitcakes are 50 percent fruit and nuts. To some in America, however, fruitcake is not appealing. They don't think it tastes good, and it's usually stale. People who receive one often regift it rather than eat it.

Christmas cookies, on the other hand, are warmly welcomed. People usually bake these fancy cookies at home. Sugar cookies are the most popular. They are cut out in Christmas-themed shapes and decorated with frosting and colored sugar. People often make plates of these special cookies to give away as gifts.

Sweet and spicy gingerbread is another traditional favorite. Some people make gingerbread cookies. Others make elegant houses from gingerbread and decorate them with frosting and candy. Some towns even have contests for gingerbread house builders.

Everyone enjoys the Christmas season - especially the treats that come with the season!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: How America Got Its Name (America的由來)
叫做America是因為當初第一個確認美洲 為一「新大陸」的義大利的航海家名字就叫做 亞美利哥.唯斯普奇(Amerigo Vespucci)。 他在1501年十沿著南美海岸航行2400英里, 確認美洲是一個新大陸、「新世界」。 之後日耳曼的地理學家以其名字命名美洲,之後就定下來了。

Grammar Gym
"They are cut out in Christmas-themed shapes..."
- Try having a beach-themed party on a cold winter day.

Language Lab
stale adj.
bread or cake that is stale is no longer fresh or good to eat [≠ fresh]:
- The cheesecake has been in the refrigerator for months, and it has gone stale already.
not interesting or exciting any more:
- Ray's stale jokes are no longer funny.

regift v.
- Margaret decided to regift this handbag because she already has lots of bags.
- You have to double check the condition of your gift before regifting it.

frosting n.
a sweet substance put on cakes and made from powdery sugar and butter [= icing]
- The frosting on the cupcake is pastel blue and decorated with M&M's.
frost v.
to cover a cake with a mixture of powdery sugar and liquid [= ice]
- The baker frosted the chocolate cake with a powdered sugar frosting.

spicy adj.
food that is spicy has a pleasantly strong taste, and gives you a pleasant burning feeling in your mouth [= hot]
- The Thai seafood soup is quite spicy. You'd better eat it with some rice.
- Larry enjoys spicy food a lot. HE always adds Tabasco sauce to his chili.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Joy to the World (3)

Joy lay awake that night while everyone else was sleeping like a baby. She was contemplating ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard her parents get up, she jumped out of bed. She found them in the kitchen and told them about encountering Nick two days earlier. Then she asked, "Can we invite him over today?" "I  don't know if he'll want to come, but in a few hours, you can call him and ask, said Joy's mother. She was always happy when guests came.

Joy's father smiled and said, "Like mother, like daughter. I guess hospitality runs in the family."

When Joy called Nick later that day, he was delighted. After getting his uncle's permission, he joined them for dinner.

At Joy's house, Christmas dinner was the mother of all feasts. Joy's mother always prepared a variety of delectable dishes.

To her surprise, Joy really enjoyed spending time with Nick. He came to visit many times after that, and soon he was like family to them.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Soon As vs. As Soon As Possible
教學主題: As Soon As和As Soon As Possible的區分
as soon as possible 盡快
- I need that report as soon as possible.
- I need that report ASAP.
ASAP 縮寫, 也可以當成一個單字

as soon as 一但... 就怎麼樣
- Can you call me as soon as you get the news from the hospital?

Grammar Gym
Joy lay awake that night while everyone else was sleeping like a baby.
lay= to lie
being in the position in which the body is flat on top of somewhere

Language Lab
contemplate v.
to think about something that you might do in the future [= consider]:
- When Peter was hospitalized, it gave him some time to contemplate his future.
- Alan and his wife have been contemplating moving to the suburbs for the sake of their kids.

encounter v.
to meet someone without planning to:
- We encountered a moose on our way to the next village.
encounter n.
an occasion when you meet someone, or do something with someone you do not know:
- The story is about the hero's strange encounter with a unicorn.

delighted adj.
very pleased and happy
- I'm so delighted to finally meet you!
delighted with/by/at
- The boss of the record company is delighted with their sales figures.

delectable adj.
extremely pleasant to taste or smell [= delicious]:
- These delectable desserts displayed in the window are so tempting.
- The restaurant's delectable cuisine attracts many customers from other countries.


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Joy to the World (2)

On Christmas Eve, Joy's family hustled around preparing for the holiday. Her father was a family man and had taken several days off work. Joy was a poster child for holiday cheer, dancing around and grinning.

After dinner, the family piled into their car and headed to church for the Christmas Eve service.

Snowflakes drifted down as they walked into the old building. Immediately they were surrounded by joyful melodies of Christmas carols.

A man stood up and read the story Joy had learned on her mother's knee. It was about a baby named Jesus who was born in the town of Bethlehem. This baby was God's Son. He had come to live on Earth out of love and to be with people who desperately needed him.

Joy's thoughts kept turning back to Nick. It must be miserable to be lonely on Christmas, a day that celebrates God's Son coming to Earth. Tears started to run down her cheeks, but she brushed them away. She didn't want to look like a crybaby.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: What Is a Holiday?教學主題: 何謂Holiday?
National Holiday 國訂假日
bank holiday 英式說法的國訂假日
holiday 英國人指渡假
美國人會用 vacation

Grammar Gym
"It must be miserable to be lonely on Christmas."
It must be [adjective] to be [description of a situation].
- It must be great to be finished with your research paper so early.
- It must be depressing to be working in the office on a Friday night.

Language Lab
hustle v.
to hurry in doing something or going somewhere:
- We have to hustle if we want to catch the train.
- Derek hustled up to his room to get his school bag.
hustle n.
busy and noisy activity:
- Hanna doesn't like the hustle of city life.

drift v.
to move slowly on water or in the air
- The boat drifted away from the dock without anyone noticing.
- The hot-air balloon drifted above the plains.
- We drifted down the stream and reached the ocean after several hours.

desperately adv.
in a desperate way
- The patient desperately needs a heart transplant.
- The lost boy's parents are looking for him desperately.
desperate adj.
willing to do anything to change a very bad situation, and not caring about danger:
- The couple were desperate to have a baby.

miserable adj.
extremely unhappy, for example because you feel lonely, cold, or badly treated:
- Tom looks miserable after Sandi broke up with him.
- Wesley is really miserable living on his own.
making you feel very unhappy, uncomfortable etc:
- Who would want to go out in such miserable weather?


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Joy to the World (1)

Sharing Christmas cheer

Lights, ornaments and Christmas trees filled the mall. Everyone and his brother was there because Christmas was only two days away!

Thirteen-year-old Joy had just finished her Christmas shopping. Finding presents for her parents, grandparents and siblings had been child's play. She knew them well enough that finding them presents was like taking candy from a baby.

Then Joy bumped into her classmate Nick, the least popular student in school. He wore weird clothing, and he had a high-pitched voice and a face only a mother could love.

"What are you doing for Christmas?" said Nick with a smile that showed all his yellow teeth. "I'm opening presents and having dinner with my family," said Joy, trying to be polite. "What about you?"

"My parents are away," he said. "So I'm stuck with my uncle, who doesn't like me very much."

Joy wasn't sure how to respond, so she said goodbye with an awkward smile. She felt sorry for Nick since he must feel lonely. But that wasn't really her problem. She was not her brother's keeper.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Different Malls (不同的Mall)
the National Mall 華府廣場
mall 大型的購物廣場
the food court 美食街
mall rat 喜歡在購物中心晃的年輕人

Grammar Gym
She knew them well enough that finding them presents was like taking candy from a baby.
[Subject] knew [something] well enough that [verb-ing] was like [description].
- Vicky knew the amusement park well enough that walking through it was like going through her backyard.
- Wanda knew her neighbors well enough that being with them was like being with her family.

Language Lab
ornament n.
a small object that you keep in your house because it is beautiful rather than useful:
- The vase was put in the center of the table as an ornament.
- Most of our Christmas tree ornaments were handmade by our children when they were little.

bump into somebody phrasal verb
to meet someone who you know when you were not expecting to [= run into]:
- I bumped into my high school teacher yesterday at the airport.
- Max bumped into the glass window as he was rushing out.

be + stuck with someone
stick with something/somebody phrasal verb
to stay close to someone:
- I'm stuck with my young nephews during Christmas vacation.

her brother's keeper
used to say that you are not responsible for someone else's actions
- Why do you ask me where Ben has been? I'm not my brother's keeper.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas in Quebec City (2)

Celebrate history
This year visitors to Quebec City will have something extra to celebrate - the 350th anniversary of Notre-Dame de Quebec Basilica-Cathedral. This cathedral is the oldest in North America and boasts a dazzling interior. Walk around inside, and admire the works of art.

Fun in the snow
There's more Christmas fun to be had outside Quebec City on the slopes of the Mont-Sainte-Anne resort. On December 22, Santa arrives via dogsled, and there are plenty of family-friendly activities throughout the week.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence: Girl on Fire (2)

Silver Linings 
Whether famous for a fight to the death or for film performances, both Katniss and Lawrence struggle as celebrities. "I'm surrounded by people all the time, and then it can be so lonely when all of a sudden everybody goes. Then I have to remind myself it's just being alone, it's not lonely."

While filming The Hunger Games, Lawrence met a young girl who proudly shared Katniss' nickname - "the Girl on Fire." The girl was covered in burn scars.

"That was the first time in my entire career that I actually felt like there was a point in this." In a similar way, Katniss finds that she has become a symbol of hope to people in need. Now the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation supports organizations such as the Special Olympics and Make a Wish.

Today, Lawrence is also the star of another big series (X-Men) and an Oscar winner for Silver Linings Playbook. Now, with Mockingjay's release, everyone is eagerly waiting to see what the Girls on Fire do next.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Is It Really Famous? 真的有名嗎?
famous 有名的
一間有名的餐廳叫做 famous restaurant?
在英文裡, famous 指的是世界聞名的,
例如: 自由女神是famous, lady gaga是famous
even 這家店每天都大排長龍,
在英文裡可以用 popular (受歡迎的), well-known (出名的)
That's a popular restaurant.
That's a well-known restaurant.

Grammar Gym
"That was the first time in my entire career that I actually felt like there was a point in this."
That was the first time in [someone's] [something] that [that person] actually felt like...
- That was the first time in Pamela's work that she actually felt like someone appreciated her.
- That was the first time in Quentin's profession that he actually felt like he might lose his job.

Language Lab
celebrity n. = celeb
a famous living person
- The banquet was full of celebs like movie stars, models and pop stars.
the state of being famous
- Patricia finally made it to the rank of celebrity after many years as a small-part actress.

scar n.
a mark that is left on your skin after a wound heals
- Francine has a permanent scar on her cheek.
scar v.
scars; scarred; scarring
- The boy was scarred during the car accident.

foundation n.
an organization that is created and supported with money that people give in order to do something that helps society
- The doctor gave the patient a pamphlet published by the British Heart Foundation.
: a usually stone or concrete structure that supports a building from underneath
- The foundation of the skyscraper took three years to construct.

eagerly adv.
feeling a strong and impatient desire to do something or for something
- This eagerly awaited album proved to be a great success.
eager adj.
- Sherry is eager to see her husband after months of being apart.



Monday, December 15, 2014


“A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” Dale Carnegie

Ask questions 
When you can't remember someone's name, try to remember where you know them from. You can say, "It's been too long. When was the last time we saw each other?" If you can remember the context, it might help you remember the name.

Request information
Tell the other person, "I'm so glad to see you here. I've been meaning to update my contact information. Would you mind typing yours in for me?" Then hand them your cellphone.

If everything else fails, be honest and admit you have forgotten the person's name.

Try something like, "I'm sorry. Your name has slipped my mind." Or you could say, "I'm really good at remembering faces, but bad at names. Please forgive me for asking yours again." The other person might suffer from the same problem. And he or she could be relieved to know you've also forgotten.

When you finally hear the person's name, work hard to memorize it. Remembering someone's name lets them know they've made an impression on you.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Whose vs. Who’s  (是Whose還是Who’s?)
那個誰 what's-her-name or what's-his-name
有時候忘記last name也可以說:
You know that guy who teaches English on TV? Steve... what's-his-name? (在問Steve 什麼的? last name)
I can't find the whatchamacallit that holds the door open.
= what you may call it

Grammar Gym
 I've been meaning to update my contact information.
[Subject] has/have been meaning to [verb].
- I'm sorry. I've been meaning to clean my apartment but I've been so busy with work.
- I've been meaning to calling you. How have you been?

Language Lab
context n.
the situation, events, or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it
- If you look at the context of the event, you will see that the conflict was the fault of both parties.
- Without a context, I would assume the heroine was a mean girl.
heroine n.
the woman or girl who is the main character in a book, film, play etc

request v.
to ask for something in a polite or formal way:
- Sam requested that the airlines make the arrangements so his family could sit together.
request n.
- As a customer service representative, you should try your best to satisfy your customers' requests.

confess v.
to admit, especially to the police, that you have done something wrong or illegal
- After hours of interrogation, the suspect finally confessed that he had stolen the money.
confess to
- Ricky confessed to sleeping through the whole recital.

slip one's mind
if something slips your mind, you forget it:
- My home phone number suddenly slipped my mind when I wanted to give it to my friend.


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dealing with Disappointment (2)

Look for positive activities that will help you get over your disappointment. Perhaps you enjoy writing in your journal, playing games or running in the park. Do one or more of those things. This will help you overcome the disappointment. Also, write down on paper everything that you're grateful for. This will help you see the positive things in your life rather than the negative things.

Moving ahead
You've been disappointed. That's in the past. It's time to move forward, so don't dwell on your disappointment.

Remember that not all disappointments are bad. In fact you may eventually realize that what you wanted is not really what you needed. You may discover you're better off because things didn't work out as you'd planned. There may be a silver lining in your disappointment. Use the disappointment to reexamine your priorities. Then you may want to make major or minor changes in your life and focus on new goals. That can help you work through your disappointment.

Remember, the only true failure is to give up!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: To Realize vs. To Know (Realize 和 Know的差別)
realize/know 了解, 知道
I know who I love. 我知道我一直愛的是誰
realize 發現, 意識到一件事
I realize who I love. 我突然發現我愛的人是誰

Grammar Gym
In fact you may eventually realize that what you wanted is not really what you needed.
[Subject] eventually realize(d) that what [he/she] [verb 1-ed] is/was not really what [he/she] [verb 2-ed].
- Fiona eventually realized that the major she wanted to study was not really waht she was interested in.

Language Lab
overcome v.
to successfully control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving something:
- After practicing many times, William overcame his stage fright and made his speech.
- We overcame many difficulties and finally launched our first product.

dwell v.
dwell on/upon something phrasal verb
to think or talk for too long about something, especially something unpleasant:
past tense and past participle dwelt or dwelled
- Louisa spent lots of time dwelling on her terrible breakup with her boyfriend.
- Even though many years have passed,the victims of the train crash still dwell on the painful memories.

silver lining 
every cloud has a silver lining 
used to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult
- Getting a loan from this bank is the silver lining for our company.
- Every cloud has a silver lining. Don't get discouraged.

priority n.
the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else:
- You have to set your priorities straight before making such an important decision.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Dealing with Disappointment (1)

“One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments.” Henry Ward Beecher

"Dad, are you ready to go to the park?"

"Rose, I'm sorry, I can't go today."

"But, Dad, you promised!"

"I know, Rose, but I am too busy today."

Rose sobbed as she walked out of the room.

Just like Rose, we all experience disappointments in life, and they are never easy. When you get disappointed, what do you do? Pout? Get angry? Feel depressed? These are natural reactions when you face disappointment. But there are better ways to deal with it.

Coping with disappointment
Disappointment is a real emotion, so allow yourself to feel it. Take a certain amount of time to feel hurt, sad or upset. Find a parent, friend or mentor and share your disappointment with them. Or write your thoughts and feelings of frustration down on paper.

Look at the Big Picture
A disappointment can seem huge at first. But after you've expressed your hurt, look at the big picture. How much will this disappointed really affect you tomorrow, next week or next year?

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: The Big Picture 宏觀大局
指的是大局, 長遠的目標

Language Lab
sob v.
past tense and past participle sobbed, present participle sobbing
to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts

depressed adj.
very unhappy
depressing adj.
making you feel very sad

cope v.
to succeed in dealing with a difficult problem or situation:
cope with 
- She feared she wouldn't be able to cope with two new babies.

frustration n.
the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something
frustrate v.
if something frustrates you, it makes you feel annoyed or angry because you are unable to do what you want


Thursday, December 4, 2014

[Advanced] Airline Changes: The Good, Bad and Ugly (2)

Who does it benefit?

Fern Fernandez, American's vice president of global marketing, painted the changes as net positives for the consumer but acknowledged that while the updated interiors are in response to consumer demand, they also boost revenue.

"Being able to generate additional revenue is obviously important to us; it's critical to us," Fernandez said.

The airlines are increasing revenue twofold with the new planes: They're fitting in more bodies, whether with more rows or more seats in a row, while also offering the miracle cure of extra legroom at a cost. American calls it Main Cabin Extra. United, Economy Plus. Delta, Economy Comfort.

All those programs amount to the same thing: the slightly comfier flying experience of yore, for a price.

"It's been headed in this direction for a long time," said Bob Mann, an aviation industry analyst.

Mann said that the changes can be considered good and bad for the consumer and that the two often overlap. For instance, while the new, roomier overhead bins are "a huge positive," more seats on airplanes mean that more overhead space is needed. It is, therefore, not quite extra space but necessary space.

Pushing consumers toward upgrades
And despite the touch screens and power outlets, physical space has become "not only uncomfortable but unusable."

"There are already seats in service before this latest generation with 30- or 31-inch pitch that I don't find usable for anything but a shuttle trip," Mann said. "A half-hour in that seat and my knees lose sensation."

But maybe that's just clever business.

"There's a school of thought — and it's understandable — that says the basic economy experience is so uncomfortable that it forces increasing portions of people to seek a buy-up opportunity to something that represents a sufficient experience," Mann said.

Sure enough, when I expressed my semi-dissatisfaction to American about its new interiors via Twitter while still on that Chicago-San Francisco flight, the airline offered the following reply: "Josh, check out our Main Cabin Extra seats the next time you travel for additional legroom."

Real Men Wear Ties

Wear it right for Tie Month

There comes a time in each boy's life when he feels an emptiness that can only be filled by a necktie. Ties make a strong statement with a man's outfit when worn correctly.

Width and length
Skinny ties are now in style - yes - but skinnier is not always better. Extremely narrow ties often seem just as bold as extremely wide ones. A tie at its widest point should equal the lapel at its widest point. Although a range of widths is acceptable, length is not negotiable: the tip of the tie should come just down to the belt.

Knot and collar
Every man should be able to tie his own tie, and the most popular way is the four-in-hand knot. Like any knot, it looks more sophisticated with a dimple just below it. But no tie looks sophisticated if the collar covering it is too small, so don't let the tie show in the back.

Color and pattern 
Don't go crazy - a bright time matched with a loud shirt is usually a mistake. A colorful shirt is best balanced by a simple tie or vice versa. Keeping the season in mind is also important when choosing designs and colors.

Once you've mastered these directions, you'll hear a satisfied sigh - it's the sound of your neck (and your fashion sense) thanking you.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Homophones, Anagrams and Homograms 幾個文字遊戲
1. homophones 同意意異字
2. anagrams 重新排列一個字母的順序變成另一個字
site ---- ties
3. homograms 二個單字, 用到同樣的字母
像 anagram 一樣拼出來發同樣的音像 homophones
wear ---- ware

Grammar Gym
There comes a time in each boy's life when he feels an emptiness that can only be filled by a necktie. 
There comes a time in [each/every person's] life when + situation.
- There comes a time in each worker's life when they wonder if they are making enough money or not.
- There comes a time in each student's life when they have to decide what they want to do after they finish high school. 

Language Lab
lapel n.
the part of the front of a coat or jacket that is joined to the collar and folded back on each side
- Ellen pinned a pearl brooch on her lapel.
- Wide lapels were very fashionable back in the '70s.

negotiable adj.
an offer, price, contract etc that is negotiable can be discussed and changed before being agreed on
- The terms of employment are not negotiable once the contract has been signed.
- The price of the product is negotiable if you buy in bulk.
non-negotiable adj.
a non-negotiable principle or belief is one that you refuse to discuss or change:
- Our charges are non-negotiable.

sophisticated adj.
having a lot of experience of life, and good judgment about socially important things such as art, fashion etc;
a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very well designed and very advanced, and often works in a complicated way;
having a lot of knowledge and experience of difficult or complicated subjects and therefore able to understand them well:
- Claudia's sophisticated taste in fashion design is well-known in the field.
- You can't help but notice her sophisticated manners.
- Customers are becoming cleverer and more sophisticated.

vice versa adv.
used to say that the opposite of a situation you have just described is also true:
- Tim doesn't like his partner, and vice versa.
- Should I go to your office or vice versa?


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

[Advanced] Airline Changes: The Good, Bad and Ugly (1)

New generation of jets comes with ups, downs

The new generation of commercial airplanes is so different from how we have flown for the past 20-plus years that stepping onto one can feel like flying for the first time.

The most obvious change is the thinness of the seats; the old-time bulk has been lightened and streamlined. But the differences continue to unfold. Lighting has been recessed into the ceiling. Overhead bins have grown and now swing down from the ceiling, rather than simply opening forward into the aisle.

Some planes include a monitor in every seat back, featuring an entertainment lineup of books, movies, television shows and a touch-screen map to chart the flight's progress. Most essentially, these new airplanes can feature power outlets and USB ports at every seat.

The pros and cons
While there's plenty to like, there also is reason for consternation: namely, dwindling space and comfort. Most everything has become smaller, including seat width, seat pitch (the distance between the seats, which results in decreased legroom), tray tables, aisles and even the little pouch in the seat ahead.

Add it up, and we have entered a marked new world of airplane interiors.

"Airlines are tightening up the pitch in economy-class cabins and distracting people from that discomfort with the latest generation of entertainment systems and connectivity," said Mary Kirby, founder of aviation news website Runway Girl Network.

There it is in the proverbial nutshell: the good (Wi-Fi! Touch screens! Power outlets!) and the bad (so very uncomfortable).

But this new generation of planes is swiftly becoming the standard; American Airline said it is in the process of updating its fleet with 460 planes. That includes 100 new 737s where main cabin seats have an inch less of seat pitch than the previous generation.

Vocabulary Focus
recess v.
to create a small space in a wall in which one part is farther back than the parts on each side

consternation n.
a feeling of strong annoyance and anger, usually because of something bad that you cannot change or that is completely unexpected

dwindling adj.
becoming smaller in size or amount

in (a) nutshell (idiom)
very briefly, giving only the main points

proverbial adj.
used when you describe something using part of a well-known expression:


Holiday Movies (3)

Another film near the top of everyone's "must-see" list is The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. In it, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf the Grey and the dwarves must fight the dragon Smaug. The dwarves want to reclaim their treasure and their homeland. Bilbo and his friends battle, swords flashing and arrows flying. Director Peter Jackson brings the action to an exciting climax.

In the musical Into the Woods, a baker and his wife wish to start a family. But a witch has made that impossible. The couple tries to get the witch to change her mind. Their story mixes with classic fairy tales. Johnny Depp plays the Big Bad Wolf.

Sports fans will want to see McFarland, which is based on a true story. Kevin Costner stars as a track coach in a small California town. He transforms the struggling team into winners.

Many entertaining films will be playing in the theaters this holiday season. Which one is at the top of your list?

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: What Is a Family? 何謂Family?
當美國人問你: Do you have a family?

Grammar Gym
tries to get... to ...
get=to influence

Language Lab
reclaim v.
to get back something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you:
- I want to reclaim the championship that I lost in 1999.

climax n.
the most exciting or important part of a story or experience, which usually comes near the end

witch n.
a woman who is supposed to have magic powers, especially to do bad things
wizard n.
a man who is supposed to have magic powers

fairy tale n.
a children's story in which magical things happen


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holiday Movies (2)

Several films will please both young and old. The penguins of Madagascar are back in their own film, Penguins of Madagascar.

Follow Skipper, Kowalski, Private and Rico as they chase spies as only penguins can. In Paddington, a family gives a home to a talking bear they find in Paddington Station. He is from Peru and loves all things British. The family must protect him from a museum taxidermist who wants to stuff him for display.

More laughs are promised in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb. In the third film of the series, objects in the British Museum in London come to life.

A new remake of the musical film Annie is sure to delight audiences. The story takes place in modern day New York City. Annie, a young, happy foster child, played by Quvenzhane Wallis, has a hard life. Her life changes when a rich man, played by Jamie Foxx, takes her in. They end up helping each other.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Home vs. House (Home和House的差別)
home 聽起來比house 溫馨多了
homeowner 房屋持有人
retirement home 退休人士住的房屋
nursing home 老人院
Make yourself at home. 把這裡當做你家!

Grammar Gym
Several films will please both young and old.
both young and old= anybody
- The restaurant's new menu is sure to please both children and adults.
- The pet store's products and services will please both dog-lovers and cat-lovers.

Language Lab
spy n. plural spies
someone whose job it is to find out secret information about another country, organization, or group [= secret agent]
- The spies were discovered and captured by their enemy.
to secretly collect information about an enemy country or an organization you are competing against
- This secret agent has been spying for his country for over 10 years.
spy on
- The police spied on the suspect, waiting to catch him in the act.

stuff v.
to fill something until it is full:
- Mom visited me and stuffed my fridge with all her home-cooked dishes.
- The suitcase is completely full. I can't stuff any more into it.

delight v.
to give someone great satisfaction and enjoyment:
- Isaac's great performance in both academics and sports delighted his parents.
to enjoy something very much, especially something that other people think is not nice:
- Michael delights in spending time with his children.
delight n.
a feeling of great pleasure and satisfaction
- What a delight to see you again!

foster adj.
the people who foster a child
- The abused child was placed in a foster home temporarily.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Holiday Movies (1)

Head to a theater near you for action and adventure!

Santa is not the only one making a list and checking it twice this season. Movie fans are doing the same! At the top of many lists is The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1. Jennifer Lawrence again stars in part one of the two-part sequel to 2013’s Catching Fire. In the film, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But the Capitol is angry and wants revenge – on Katniss.

Another hero hits the big screen this winter, too. Exodus: Gods and Kings is a retelling of the epic story of Moses. The story follows Moses as he escapes death as a baby. He is adopted by an Egyptian royal family. He then goes against Pharaoh to free the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt.

Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie, tells another powerful true story of a hero. Before World War II, Louis Zamperini was an Olympic runner. During World War II he was taken prisoner by the Japanese and endured a lot.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Two Different Theaters 是看戲還是看電影?
theater 是電影院還是戲劇院
the theater 有加定冠詞 指的是戲劇院
- I'm going to the theater. 我要去戲劇院
movie theater 電影院, 但movie常常會被省略
your local theater 你家附近的電影院
cinema 美式用法另一種電影院說法
movie tickets 電影票
theater tickets 戲劇院的票

Grammar Gym
Another hero hits the big screen this winter, too.
- The car hit the bus.
hit: to appear or arrive at or in a place
big screen: movie theaters
- The writer's newest book will hit major bookstores before Christmas.
- If you continue down this road, you will hit Main Street.

Language Lab
adventure n.
an exciting experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen:
- The movie is about an adventure to a wonderland.
willingness to try new things, take risks etc:
- Sean is bored with his calm and normal life. He craves adventure.

revenge n.
[uncountable] something you do in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended you
- The victim wants revenge for the damage done by the hit-and-run driver.
in revenge for something
- The attacker did this in revenge for the damage these people did to his family.

adopt v.
to take someone else's child into your home and legally become its parent
- After a thorough discussion, the couple decided to adopt this African boy.
- Henry didn't know that he was adopted until he was 20.
adoption n.
the act or process of adopting a child:
- The process of adoption is incredibly complicated.

endure v.
to be in a difficult or painful situation for a long time without complaining:
- The patient endured a long and difficult cycle of chemotherapy.
chemotherapy n.
the use of drugs to control and try to cure cancer
- The girl endured a lot of hurt and pain from her parents.
