Friday, August 15, 2014

Once Upon a Time (2)

After a long journey, Prince Gale and Ray reached a city in Foggy Kingdom. A guard stopped them and asked who they were.

Once Prince Gale and Ray had explained their mission, the guard said, "This city is all that remains of Foggy Kingdom." A monster has destroyed the other cities. We came here to weather the storm, hoping the monster will go away."

The guard took them to Queen Misty, Foggy Kingdom's young but capable ruler. The guard said she had a heart as pure as the driven snow. She had been a ray of sunshine during these difficult times.

Prince Gale and Ray told her their story.

Queen Misty replied, "I'd like to help. But the stone's magic is our city's best defense against the monster."

The prince offered to kill the monster in exchange for the stone. The queen agreed and gave them food for their quest.

Prince Gale told Ray to stay safe in the city. But Ray answered, "I'm not a fair-weather friend. I won't abandon you."

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Chatting about the Weather (聊天氣)
不可以說 a weather, 或many weathers,
通常的問法是: what's it like outside?
另外講到天氣會用到 supposed to be: 照理說...
It supposed to be sunny.

Language Lab
remain v.
to continue to be in the same state or condition

capable adj.
having the qualities or ability needed to do something;
able to do things well;
capability n.
the natural ability, skill, or power that makes a machine, person, or organization able to do something, especially something difficult

in exchange for something
the act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them

quest v.
a long search for something that is difficult to find


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