Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Escape (2)

No one shot at us!

It doesn't matter.
I don't like guns.
I'll drop you off somewhere and you can find a new taxi.

You can't abandon me! You said we were in this together!

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a helicopter flying above them and sirens coming up behind. Erica pointed to a freeway exit. Jerking the steering wheel, Leo swerved across three lanes of traffic and off the freeway.

Where am I going?

There's less traffic on the outskirts of town.
We may not be able to hide, but we might be able to outrun them if you go a little faster.

A little faster?
I'm pushing the engine as hard as I can!
Maybe you would like to drive!

Stop complaining.
If we can just get over that ridge, we'll be outside the city limits and out of police jurisdiction.
Just a little faster!

I'm definitely going to lose my license.

You'll only lose your license if you stop long enough for them to take if away.
Now stop talking and focus on getting us out of here!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Highway Names 公路名稱大不同
highway 一般公路或高速公路
freeway 美國西岸使用
free from obstructions 無障礙(沒有紅燈)
turnpike 美國東岸使用, 收費公路
interstate 州與州間的洲際公路(南北向是單數, 東西向是雙數)
motorway  英國使用

Grammar Gym
We may not be able to hide, but we might be able to outrun them if you go a little faster.
We may not..., but we might ... if .... 
- We may not be able to go watch a movie, but we might be able to get some ice cream if we finish our work early.
- We may not be able to win first place, but we might win second place if we hurry.

Language Lab
abandon v. 放棄, 抛棄, 遺棄
to leave someone, especially someone you are responsible for:
- A homeless man discovered a baby abandoned in the junkyard.
- When the ship's engine broke down, the captain ordered his crew to abandon the ship.

outskirt n. 市區, 郊區 (多為複數型使用)
the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the center
on the outskirts (of something)
- The factory is located on the outskirts of Houston.
- The concert is being held in a park on the outskirts of London.

siren n.
a piece of equipment that makes very loud warning sounds, used on police cars, fire engines etc:
- I heard police sirens in the distance.

ridge n. 山脊, 屋脊
1: a long area of high land, especially at the top of a mountain
2: the part at the top of a roof, where the two sides meet
- We drove along the ridge of the mountain and enjoyed the amazing view.
- The boy somehow got on the ridge of the roof and was trapped for hours before his parents found him.

license n. 執照, 牌照, 許可證;
an official document giving you permission to own or do something for a period of time
a driver's license 駕照
a license plat 牌照
a marriage license 結婚證書
license v. 批准, 許可
to give official permission for someone to do or produce something, or for an activity to take place
- Our company is licensed to produce this new medicine.


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