Monday, December 11, 2017

What is trolling and what can you do about it? (1)

Beware Internet Trolls! 
  • What are trolls?
  • What do they have to do with the Internet?
For anyone who grew up reading world-renowned fairy tales, the term troll will bring a certain image to mind. In the story Three Billy Goats Gruff, a troll is an ugly, menacing bully who lives under a bridge and threatens the goats who pass over. But what does this awful creature have to do with the World Wide Web?

On the internet, trolls are individuals who provoke people online by starting arguments using hostile posts. They're basically cyberbullies, always ready to post mean, hurtful comments, often hoping to pick a flight.

Instead of hiding out under bridges waiting for innocent passersby, they lurk by comment boards or wherever online users interact with one another. They're ready and waiting to attack unsuspecting internet users. This similarity is one reason why these internet intruders have come to be known as trolls.

While this hidden community taunts the rest of the internet, many people are asking why. Psychologists may have an answer. People who engage in trolling enjoy distressing others and making them feel bad. The internet is a playground for trolls.

Info Cloud
  • jump scare
  • mirror scare
  • surprise creepy

Language Lab
beware v.
to be careful: to act in a way that shows you know that there may be danger or trouble — used only as beware or to beware
- Beware! A low-carb diet isn't suitable for all people.
beware of
- Beware of the slippery floor.
- Beware of putting your personal info on the internet.

menacing adj.
a dangerous or possibly harmful person or thing — usually singular
menace v.
- The strange man's menacing behavior scared the passersby.
- Menacing dark clouds moved fast toward us as we tried to leave the forest.

lurk v.
to be in a hidden place
- The thief was lurking in the crowd trying to find his next victim.
lurk v.
computers : to read messages written by other people on the Internet in a newsgroup, chat room, etc., without writing any messages yourself
- Ron loves to lurk around music forums and find new songs to listen to.
- Issac spends a great deal of time lurking about teen chat rooms.

taunt v.
to say insulting things to (someone) in order to make that person angry
- When he was young, Cliff used to taunt kids who were smaller than him in his class.
- Taylor's classmates love to taunt her because she's chubby.
- The kids in high school kept provoking Sean with taunts and nasty nicknames.

provoke v.
to cause (a person or animal) to become angry, violent, etc.
- He just says those things because he's trying to provoke you.

Friday, April 14, 2017

An Extraordinary Event

  • What do people celebrate at Easter?
  • How many people saw Jesus after he rose from the dead?

What happened at Easter?

People around the world will celebrate Easter tomorrow. But what exactly are they celebrating? They are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, God’s Son. Every life on Earth has ended in death, but Jesus’ death ended in life. Many believe Jesus’ resurrection is one of the most reliable facts of history!

Not only the Bible but also other non-Christian historical accounts tell about Jesus, a real person. He lived in the Middle East more than 2,000 years ago. He never made a lot of money or ruled a country. It was his revolutionary teachings that angered the Jewish leaders of the day.

Christian and non-Christian authorities agree that Jesus was crucified. Three days later, his tomb was found empty. Jesus had risen from the dead. His followers as well as many non-followers saw him. In all, more than 500 people saw Jesus after he rose from the dead.

More importantly, his Disciples changed. After Jesus’ death, they hid, fearing for their lives. After Jesus’ resurrection, they became bold witnesses for Jesus and his message. That message still changes lives today – just as it did 2,000 years ago.

Language Lab
extraordinary adj.
very unusual : very different from what is normal or ordinary
- The general is a man with extraordinary ability and courage.
- The director's extraordinary talent to tell stories earned him many film awards.

resurrection n.
the Resurrection : the event told about in the Bible in which Jesus Christ returned to life after his death
- Many Christians believe in the Resurrection and Jesus' second coming.
the act of causing something that had ended or been forgotten or lost to exist again, to be used again, etc.
- People are hoping the new leader can bring resurrection to the country's economy.

crucify v. crucified
to kill (someone) by nailing or tying his or her hands and feet to a cross
- In the Bible, it says one of the two criminals who were crucified with Jesus repented and got saved.
to criticize (someone or something) very harshly
- The actress' bad acting in the movie was crucified by the critics.

disciple n.
someone who accepts and helps to spread the teachings of a famous person
- Paul was one of Jesus' disciples, and he founded the first church in Europe.
one of a group of 12 men who were sent out to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ
- The 12 Disciples who were called, trained and sent by Jesus changed the history of the world.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

White Vinegar and Its Amazing Uses

This common food item is not just for the kitchen anymore

  • For wrinkles and cleaning 
  • For clogged pipes
  • For pets' ears
Most of us lead busy lives and appreciate anything that makes them easier. Vinegar, a common kitchen item, provides easy solutions for many problems. 

For wrinkles
Spray your clothes with a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water. Wait a couple of minutes, and watch the wrinkles disappear.

For cleaning
Vinegar is a very effective glass cleaner. Mix one part water to one part vinegar. Spray glass surfaces and wipe clean.

For bad smells
Soak a piece of bread in vinegar. Put the bread in a smelly garbage can overnight. The smell will be gone by morning.

For clogged pipes
If you sink is clogged, mix a cup of vinegar with half a cup of baking soda. Pour the mixture down your drain and turn on the water. No more clogged pipe!

For pets' ears
Mix together one part water and two parts vinegar. Put some on a cotton ball and wipe inside your pet's ears. It  not only cleans but soothes itches. 

The next time you need an easy solution, look no further than your own kitchen.

Language Lab
vinegar n.
- Adding vinegar to the water can make hard-boiled eggs easier to peel.
- Mom loves to dip her bread into olive oil and a bit of vinegar.
- This flavored vinegar is perfect for making salad dressing.

wrinkle n.
- The pants were made of a wrinkle -free fabric.
- The cream claims to smooth fine wrinkles in just four weeks.
wrinkle v.
- Years of hardship wrinkled the woman's face, making her look ten years older than she is.

dilute v.
to make (a liquid) thinner or less strong by adding water or another liquid
- You can dilute the medicine with water.

clog v.
to slowly form a block in (something, such as a pipe or street) so that things cannot move through quickly or easily
- Weekend traffic clogged the freeway system in L.A.
- The pipe was clogged with leaves.
- Our discussion was once again clogged by irrational arguments.

itch n.
- The itch on my back is really bothering me.
- Don't scratch your itches with your fingernails because you might get an infection.
- The mosquito bite still itches after days.

Making Decisions

How do you make decisions?
  • What did Chad buy?
  • What would Jeremy rather wait for?
Jeremy and Chad see each other outside a store. 

C: Hey, Jeremy! Look what I just bought.
J: Wow! Cool cell phone. Wait, wasn't that model just released yesterday? Buying it so quickly seems a bit hasty.
C: Not at all. I've known for a long time that I wanted it.
J: I'm surprised you didn't want to read some reviews first.
C: Why would I do that? I've had my eye on this phone for months.
J: Product reviews tell you whether the phone actually performs the way the company claims it does. 
C: I've bought all of my phones from this company and have never had a problem. Besides, I'd rather be one of the first people to try out their latest model.
J: New phones are way too expensive to buy without doing some research. Not to mention I'd rather wait for the price to drop.
C: But the new technology is worth the full price. I don't want to be using something that is outdated.
J: Well, you know what they say, "Good things come to those who wait." And I'm happy to take my time with purchasing expensive items.

Language Lab
hasty adj.
done or made very quickly
- Buying a house is a big thing. Don't make a hasty decision.
- We don't want to leap to any hasty conclusions. We need to listen to each party involved in the incident. 
- People tend to be hasty in judging others just by their appearance. 

have an eye on something
If you have an eye for something or a good/keen/sharp eye for something, you have a special ability to recognize a particular thing or quality.
- Charlie's had his eye on this truck for quite some time.
an eye = one's eye
- Lily's had her eye on this watch for years, and she bought it right after she got her first job.

technology n.
the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems
- The new medical technology can benefit so many people who suffer from this disease. 
- Israel's military technology is quite advanced compared to its many neighbors.
- New recycling technologies can turn glass into fibers of fabric.

outdated adj.
no longer useful or acceptable : not modern or current
- These outdated computers in the office will soon be replaced with new ones.
- These outdated marketing strategies no longer work.
out of date
- That suit looks out of date.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Do You Doodle?

Drawing might help you think

  • What kind of business does Sunni Brown run?
  • What kind of learning does doodling incorporate?
An author named Sunni Brown wrote a book on doodling. She argues that doodling is a tool that can help people think. She admits that people see doodling as doing nothing, but she wants to change that. In fact, she runs a business that helps companies improve organization and planning through doodling. 

Brown believes doodling is helpful because it incorporates many ways of learning. You learn in four ways: seeing, reading or writing, and through movement.

The more ways you use, the better you learn. And when you doodle while listening to a lecture, you use all four.

You might think that being good at drawing is important for doodling. But if this point of doodling is to help you think, then it doesn't matter what the picture looks like. Even if you're not an artist, doodling can help you. So next time you need help focusing, pick up a pen and doodle away!

Language Lab
admit v. [admits; admitted; admitting]
to say usually in an unwilling way that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something)
- Melanie admitted her fear of men is the reason she never dates.
admit to [phrasal verb] admit to (something) : to admit (something) : to acknowledge the truth or existence of (something)
- The defendant was sentenced to prison after admitting to all the charges.

incorporate v.
to include (something) as part of something else
- This new car incorporates the latest entertainment features.
- The decor of the hotel incorporates styles from several Asian countries.

lecture n.
a talk or speech given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject
- Professor Anderson's lectures on art history have always been my favorite.
- The boy's mother gave him a lecture when she found out that he had been smoking.

focus v.
to cause (something, such as attention) to be directed at something specific — + on
- You need to focus while operating such complicated machinery.
- Stop focusing on your own problems. You need to care for others.
- I can't focus properly after working on the computer for a long time.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Heat or Cold: Which Is Better? (1)

 How to treat pain  如何處理疼痛

While jogging today, you twisted your ankle. It really hurts and could be a sprain. You've heard that both heat and cold can help with pain. But which one should you use? The right form of treatment differs depending on your type of injury and when it occurred.

When you're trying to decided, ask yourself the following questions?

  • When did the injury happen?
  • Is your pain new or have you had it for a while?
If the pain began within the past 48 hours, it could be from sudden trauma. For example, if you fell or pulled a muscle, that is a form of trauma. With this type of injury, the area might swell and be painful. You skin could also be red and warm. 

In the case of a new injury, ice is the best form of treatment. Cold slows the blood flow to an injury, numbs the pain and reduces swelling.

Info Cloud
jump to conclusions
Don't jump to conclusion.

Language Lab
sprain n.
to injure (a joint) by twisting it in a sudden and painful way
- Nathan got a bad ankle sprain while playing basketball.
- It's only a minor sprain. Rest a few days and you'll be fine.

- Alex sprained his back when he picked up a heavy box.

injury n.
- The patient suffers from a serious neck injury.
- This football player had to quit the game because of his knee injury.
injure v.
- The little girl's leg got injured when she fell from a tree.

trauma n.
medical : a serious injury to a person's body
- The X-ray shows the patient is suffering from an abdominal trauma.
- The victim of the car accident suffered multiple head traumas.
a very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time
- Victor's emotional problems are caused by childhood trauma.

numb adj.
unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body because of cold, injury, etc.
- After getting stung by a jellyfish, the boy's arm became totally numb.
numb v.
to cause (a part of the body) to be unable to feel anything
- Alcohol can numb one's senses easily.
- The cold wind numbed my face.

Twin Tim
1. pulled a muscle
2. numb your mouth
3. escaped injury

Friday, February 3, 2017