Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Trial by Fire (3)

"Thanks for the medicine," Mr. Golden said.

He threw a ball of fire at Blaise and ran outside.

The ball of fire missed Blaise. He ran after Mr. Golden and emerged from the building. He saw Mr. Golden throwing balls of fire at the police officers.

Blaise decided to fight fire with fire.

He yelled, "Stop!"

Blaise and Mr. Golden began to fight. Iris helped the bystanders get out of the line of fire. Finally Blaise hit Mr. Golden, and he dropped the bag. Realizing he couldn't win, Mr. Golden ran to a car. He fired up the engine and drove away.

Police officers tried to follow, but he escaped. The police asked Blaise to help them catch Mr. Golden, and he agreed.

When Blaise explained the situation to Iris, she said, "The burning question is: what will Mr. Golden do next?"

Blaise didn't know. He realized he was playing with fire. But he was eager to do the right thing.

(To be continued...)

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Literally (名副其實的)
literally adv. 照字面的, 也就是名副其實的
例如: play with fire 通常是當冠用語, 指做危險的事, 給自己找麻煩
但如果說 Steve is literally playing with fire.
指的是 Steve 的確在玩火,
literally 常常被誤用來加大語氣, 而鬧出了許多笑話
像是 I was so tired that my legs literally turned to jelly.
講這句話的人原本是想表達: 我的雙腿累到幾乎簡直變成果凍
但用了literally 指的是名副其實真的變成果凍

Grammar Gym
Realizing he couldn't win, Mr. Golden ran to a car. He fired up the engine and drove away. 
Realizing he/she couldn't [verb 1], [subject] [did something].
- Realizing she couldn't get anything from the babysitter, the child stopped crying.
- Realizing he couldn't find his way out of the museum, the tourist stopped and asked for directions.

Language Lab
emerge v.
to appear or come out from somewhere:
- Thousands of fans emerged from the stadium after the game was over.
- The lifeguard emerged from the sea, carrying the wounded swimmer.
to begin to be known or noticed:
- A new generation of talents has emerged to replace the old one.

bystander n.
someone who watches what is happening without taking part
people who stand by the side
- An unknown bystander witnessed the whole robbery.
- None of the bystanders would help the injured man.

situation n.
a combination of all the things that are happening and all the conditions that exist at a particular time in a particular place
- The situation between these two countries is very intense.
- After the hurricane destroyed the coastal area, the government helped take care of the situation.

play with fire
- The kid almost burned himself when he was playing with fire.
to do something that could have a very dangerous or harmful result:
- Making these risky investments is playing with fire.


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