Monday, September 15, 2014

Thomas Brodie-Sangster (1)

Is that the kid from…?

Thomas Brodie-Sangster’s cars and action figures weren't just toys. "They would always be characters, and I would always put on stupid voices," says Thomas. For him, acting was just a matter of moving childhood games to a set.

Maturity and independence came to Thomas early as he started work at 10. After his first audition (for a little movie called Harry Potter), he learned about rejection. Though hurt and disappointed, he took a part in a tiny, unknown TV film in 2001. No one noticed his performance – no one except screenwriter Richard Curtis. Two years later, he played Sam, a 12-year-old in love in Curtis’ Love Actually.

After that hit film, he played actor Colin Firth’s son in Nanny McPhee. Firth then joined a film called The Last Legion and supported Thomas for its lead role. As a result, the boy played Rome’s final ruler in the action-adventure.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Titles Should Be Italicized 何時該用斜體字?
英文寫作文時, 如果是用電腦打字, 就可以使用斜體字,
如果文章是手寫時, 就不能用斜體字, 通常就會改用underline來取代 italics,
要注意不是用 quotation marks 引號取代斜體字,

但是我們如果用電腦文書處理時, 就該用斜體字,
只要是書籍, 報紙, 雜誌, 藝術品, 歌劇, 電影, 廣播節目等名稱,
例如: Studio Classroom is the best magazine.
Studio Classroom 這二個字就必需用斜體字

Grammar Gym
For him, acting was just a matter of moving childhood games to a set.
[Something] is (just) a matter of [doing something]
- A lot of people think this program is hard, but it really is just a matter of attending every class and getting your homework done on time.
- If you want to do a good job in the school competition, it's just a matter of being willing to practice every day.

Language Lab
rejection n.
the act of not accepting, believing in, or agreeing with something
- As a sales representative, you have to cope with constant rejection.
reject v.
to refuse to believe, accept, or consider (something)
- Valerie's application was rejected because she didn't meet the requirements.

disappointed adj. 感到失望的
unhappy because something you hoped for did not happen, or because someone or something was not as good as you expected:
- The team members were bitterly disappointed with the result of the game.
disappointing adj. 令人失望的
not as good as you hoped or expected:
- a disappointing performance

screenwriter n.
someone who writes plays for film or television
- This movie is the screenwriter's debut.
- This screenwriter is famous for his ability to cast.
playwright n.
someone who writes plays
- William Shakespeare is a legendary playwright.

legion n.
a large group of soldiers, especially in ancient Rome
- Michael's father used to serve in the French Foreign Legion.
a large number of people
- The pop star was surrounded by a legion of bodyguards.


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