Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First Impressions (2)

Speak up 
Speak loudly and clearly enough that people don't have to strain to hear you. If you don't know what to say, ask questions. Most people enjoy talking about themselves.

Listening is just as important as talking. When people are talking, pay attention to what they're saying rather than planning what you'll say next. And if you're not sure what they mean, ask!

Value people 
Most importantly, show people you care. Your concern for them will be evident if you smile and listen carefully.

Respect other people's time, too. Don't keep them waiting because you arrive late or keep using your cellphone instead of talking to them.

Everyone you meet, whether they're a businessperson, a receptionist or a bus driver, is important. So make eye contact, smile and greet them. They'll appreciate it - and others may be watching.

And remember, you are important, too. You probably want people to like you, but their opinions don't define who you are. You are unique and have a lot to offer, so don't be afraid to show it.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Cell Phone or Cellphone「手機」是幾個字?
有些字 都是簡化的方向
手機之前是cellular phone,
後來又改為 cell phone,
到現在許多人只說 cell,
拚法也從 cell phone 變成 cellphone, (簡化為1個字)

Grammar Gym
Speak loudly and clearly enough that people don't have to strain to hear you.
[Verb 1 phrase] enough that [someone] doesn't have to [verb 2] to [verb 3].
- Straighten the room enough that guests don't have to step cautiously just to walk across the room.
- The screen is high enough that people don't have to move their heads too much to see the video.

Language Lab
strain v.
to try very hard to do or get something
- The thousands of fans gathered outside the stadium strained to get a glance of their idols.
to be pulled or stretched in a forceful way
- Stanley strained his muscle during a basketball game.
strain n.[count]
a feeling of stress and worry that you have because you are trying to do too much, are dealing with a difficult problem, etc.
- Chloe performs even better when she's under a lot of strain.

evident adj.
clear to the sight or mind : obvious
- His affection for this girl is evident.
- It's evident that the merger is good for both companies.
evidence n.
[noncount] : something which shows that something else exists or is true
- The detective went to the crime scene to collect evidence.

receptionist n.
a person whose job is to deal with the people who call or enter an office, hotel, etc.
- The receptionist has a very nice smile.
receive v.
to welcome (someone) in usually a formal way
- The patients can only receive visitors from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
reception n.
the kind of welcome that someone or something is given — usually singular
- The hotel is known for offering its guests a warm reception.

unique n.
used to say that something or someone is unlike anything or anyone else
- The designer's unique style made his work so recognizable.
- The actor's unique interpretation of the character won him an Academy Award.


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