Wednesday, September 10, 2014

British Teachers Haul Tuk-Tuk into Record Books (2)

The pair are now back on the road and aiming for their next goal. They want to cover the circumference of the earth and become the first people to drive a tuk-tuk around the world. They plan to pass that milestone in Northern Chile.

Along their journey they have had to tackle deserts and jungles. They have also survived close encounters with elephants in Uganda and Botswana and an accident in Malaysia. The greatest toll on the tuk-tuk has been the mountain ranges lying in their path, including the Alps, the Himalayas and the Andes.

Nick and Richard have uncovered some inspirational projects across Africa, Asia and South America. They have witnessed firsthand the extent of the educational challenges facing these areas today. They have joined street children in the slums of Cairo, Khartoum, Kampala, Mumbai and Phnom Penh. They have visited Congolese refugees in camps in Eastern Burundi. ... They witnessed how education can free sex workers in Delhi and victims of human trafficking in Nepal.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Objective, Purpose and Goal 三個不同的目標
objective/purpose/goal 這三個字意思都是目標或目的, 但用法是很不同的
goal 最終的目標, 是一個大方向, Do you have a goal in life?
purpose 意圖, 如果你的goal 是要減肥, 那你的purpose有可能是要穿上一些衣服
objective 遇期實際的成果, 也就是明確的目標, 而且要先set 設定, 例如每天都去運動30分鐘
實際的objective可以幫助我們的purpose, 近而達成我們的goal

Grammar Gym
They witnessed how education can free sex workers in Delhi and victims of human trafficking in Nepal.
[Somebody] has witnessed how [something] can [verb] in [somewhere].
- The teacher has witnessed how the afterschool program can help the students in the neighborhood.
- The farmer has witnessed how the new chemical can poison the fish in the water.

Language Lab
circumference n.
the length of a line that goes around something or that makes a circle or other round shape
- The circumference of the track field is 800 meters.
- The lake is 25 miles in circumference.

toll n.
take its toll or heavy toll on someone or something 
to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something: to cause harm or damage
- The typhoon took a heavy toll on the crops in the villages along the coast.
- Financial stress started to take its toll on their marriage.

inspirational adj.
causing people to want to do or create something: giving inspiration
- This inspirational movie has touched many people.
inspiration n.
something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create: a force or influence that inspires someone
- The writer's won travel experience has become the inspiration for his novels.

extent n.
the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or included in something
- The extent of the damage caused by the earthquake is unimaginable.
- From the helicopter, you can see the full extent of the rainforest.

refugee n.
someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially during a war, or for political or religious reasons
- refugee camps


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