Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Race for the Ridge (2)

They came to an abrupt stop as the taxi ran into the side of a police car. Before Leo could take a deep breath, his door was pulled open, and he was forced out by the sheriff. "You're under arrest," said the sheriff as he aimed his gun at Leo's heart. With his hands above his head, Leo was thrown to the ground. He could barely see Erica on the other side of the police car.

"Hey, where are you taking her?" cried Leo.

"That woman is a fugitive, and you have just been caught aiding a known criminal. I don't think you'll have to wait long to find out what's going to happen to her. You'll be joining her," the sheriff sneered.

"You're making a big mistake! She's not a criminal; she's working for you! Just hear what she has to say," Leo pleaded.

"That's enough out of you! If I hear one more word out of your mouth, I'll have you thrown in jail!" the sheriff threatened.

"You can't do that! I know the law. I have rights!" Leo protested.

"Not anymore," the sheriff laughed.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Jail vs. Prison (Jail 和 Prison的差別)
jail 看守所,
prison 監獄
prisoner 囚犯, 也可指被剝噱自由的人
我們每個人都是 prisoners of time
無法從過去走出來的人 prisoner of his past
趕盡殺絕 take no prisoners

Grammar Gym
You have just been caught aiding a known criminal.
= We have caught you aiding a known criminal.
[Subject] has been  [past participle verb 1] [verb 2-ing].
- We have seen a strange dog wandering through this neighborhood.
= A strange dog has been seen wandering through this neighborhood.
- We found a cat digging through our garbage can.
= A cat was found digging through our garbage can.

Language Lab
abrupt adj.
sudden and unexpected:
- The CEO's abrupt resignation shocked the staff.
- Rita's happiness came to an abrupt end when she found out she had been laid off.
seeming rude and unfriendly, especially because you do not waste time in friendly conversation
- His abrupt comment irritated all the people present.

fugitive n.
someone who is trying to avoid being caught by the police
- The fugitive was caught near his parents' home.
- These fugitives escaped from the jail last night.
- The sheriff discovered the fugitives' hiding place.

plead v.
to ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way [= beg]:
plead with somebody (to do something)
- After being caught, the thief pleaded with the victim for mercy.
to state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime
- The defendant pleaded guilty to his crime.

protest v.
to come together to publicly express disapproval or opposition to something
protest against/at/about
- People took to the streets to protest against the tax increase.
protest n.
something that you do to show publicly that you think that something is wrong and unfair, for example taking part in big public meetings, refusing to work, or refusing to buy a company's products
- He resigned in protest against the company's new policy.


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