Friday, May 17, 2013

Running Right

Running is great exercise – if you do it right
The sun is out. The weather is pleasant. It's a great day for running. But before you start, here are some tips for avoiding injuries.

Be safe
Pay attention to what's happening around you while you run. If you are running along a road, wear light-colored clothes so drivers can see you.

Listen to your body
Running is tiring and can hurt. But consistent pain indicates that something is wrong. Maybe you need to change the way you move to put less pressure on certain muscles or joints. Or maybe you're overtired and need a day off. Resting when necessary will help you get back to running as soon as possible.

Choose good shoes
Pick comfortable shoes that fit the unique shape of your foot. This will prevent strain on your feet, ankles, legs and back.

Mix it up 
Many experts recommend cross-training - doing other physical activities besides running. That could mean biking, swimming or playing a sport. By varying your exercises, you avoid injuries caused by repeated motion.

Following this simple advice will help you stay safe while you get healthy.

Grammar Gym
when necessary: when it is necessary

Hello, friends. Welcome to the Grammar Gym. My name is Liz. Our Grammar Tip focus today is on a very useful phrase. Let’s take a look at today’s Grammar Tip sentence.

Resting when necessary will help you get back to running as soon as possible.

Notice the phrase “when necessary.” It’s a shorter way to say: when it is necessary.

We often use this phrase when we want to talk about how often something should be done. In the case of today’s sentence, the writer is saying that a certain amount of rest is helpful for runners. How often should the runner rest? Rest when necessary.

Let’s have a look at some example sentences.
- Don’t take this medicine every day. Take it only when necessary.
- Mr. Martin rarely uses his cell phone; he makes calls only when necessary.

Now it’s your turn. Can you think of certain things that are done only when they’re necessary? Then get together with a friend, and practice using this phrase.

That’s it for today. This is Liz from the Grammar Gym. See you next time.

Info Cloud
Our lesson today is about running, but I have a sneaking suspicion that our author is really talking about jogging.

I think you’re right. Running means you are moving at a faster pace than jogging. But when the average person goes out for a “run,” he or she is most likely jogging.

Right. Technically, if it takes you less than nine minutes to complete one mile, you are running. If it takes you more than nine minutes to complete one mile, you are jogging.

So which is better? Well, both running and jogging work your muscles and are good for your heart, lungs and bones. Jogging is harder than walking because it requires more effort to go faster.

And depending on the distance, running requires even more effort than jogging. It’s more intense, and it requires a lot of stamina.

So if you want to become a runner, and if you’ve never run before, you should start off slow.

That’s right. Begin by walking fast. And then work up to jogging. Only then should you move on to running. But remember, even when you are just going for a jog, you can still say you’re going running.

running /jogging :
run - a period of time spent running, or a distance that you run 跑步
jog - to run slowly and steadily, especially as a way of exercising 慢跑

Language Lab
consistent adj. 持續的
always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc - usually used to show approval;
continuing to happen or develop in the same way;
- You can see a consistent improvement in this student's performance.
consistently adv. 持續地
- The defendant consistently denied all the charges.

pressure n. 壓力 [press v. 按,壓]
an attempt to persuade someone by using influence, arguments, or threats
- Apply pressure to the wound to stoop the bleeding.
pressure 也可指心理上的壓力
a way of working or living that causes you a lot of anxiety, especially because you feel you have too many things to do
- Eddie has been under a lot of pressure. He needs a break.

strain n.扭傷, 拉傷
n injury to a muscle or part of your body that is caused by using it too much
- Warming up before exercising can prevent muscle strain.
strain n.
worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time
- The public hospital system is under considerable strain because of this infectious disease.

physical adj.身體的
related to someone's body rather than their mind or emotions
- a physical exam. 體檢
- Billy's physical condition is worsening.
physical adj.外在的, 有形的, 具體的
relating to real objects that you can touch, see, or feel
- You need physical evidence to prove your car was scratched intentionally.

cross-training - get training from different classes.

repeated motion - same gesture doing over and over, again and again.



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