Saturday, June 14, 2014

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey (3)

Reuben knew this meal would not cut the mustard, but he tried to stay positive. "At least dessert looks good," he said, holding up a blueberry pie.

"That looks wonderful," agreed Ginger.

"But the proof of the pudding is in the eating." Ginger cut the pie and put a piece on a plate. She took a bite.

"What did you put in this?" she exclaimed in disgust.

Reuben checked the ingredients he had used and groaned. He'd been really out to lunch and had accidentally added salt instead of sugar!

"This takes the cake. What can we do?" asked Ginger.

"Let's go back to our meat and potatoes fare and make some sandwiches," suggested Reuben.

Ginger and Reuben put together some of their famous sandwiches and presented them to the guests. They felt embarrassed about serving such simple food. But the visitors thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The mayor thanked the chefs enthusiastically.

Reuben and Ginger learned from their mistakes and in time became some of the best chefs in town.

Editor's Summary
Reuben knew that the food they had made would not cut the mustard.
But he was happy that at least they had the blueberry pie he had made for dessert.
And, it looked good.
Ginger knows that it is not the looks that count, but the proof is in the pudding.
So she decided to try a piece, only to ask Reuben and discuss what he had to put in the pie.
It tasted terrible.
And that's when he realized how out to lunch he had been, by adding salt instead of sugar.
So, they returned to their meat and potatoes fare and made the sandwiches that the restaurant was famous for.
They were a little embarrassed to serve them, but they really had no choice.
But, in the end, everyone thought the sandwiches were the best thing since sliced bread.
And Reuben and Ginger, they learned from their mistakes and ended up being some of the best chefs in town.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Charactonyms 個性化譯名
character字根: 個性, 特徵
charactonyms 說明某人特徵的詞
如果作者將一個西餐廳的師父取名Reuben 那絕對不是巧合,

Usain Bolt 是Jamaican的短跑運動員, 而這個字也有快速的衝出之意
Jim Horn 他是專業的saxophone 手, horn指管樂器, 號角, 喇叭

Grammar Gym
Reuben and Ginger learned from their mistakes and in time became some of the best chefs in town.
in time: eventually, or after a period of time
- Although the new clerk seemed clumsy, the manager knew things will be fine in time.
- Change might be hard to accept at first, but most people will get used to them in time.

Language Lab
disgust n.
a strong feeling of dislike, annoyance, or disapproval
- When he mentioned this one politician, a look of disgust came over his face.
disgust v.
to make someone feel very annoyed or upset about something that is not acceptable:
- His arrogance and selfishness disgust everyone around him.

accidentally adv.
- The girl accidentally found out that she was actually adopted by her parents.
accidental adj.
happening in a way that is not planned or intended : happening by accident
- An accidental fall caused the old lady's arm to fracture.

fare n.
[uncountable] food, especially food served in a restaurant or eaten on a special occasion:
- The restaurant's fare is plain and over priced.
- The diner's fare improved a lot after the new chef came.

enthusiastically adv.
enthusiastic adj.
feeling or showing strong excitement about something : filled with or marked by enthusiasm
- Every team member enthusiastically participated in the group discussion.
- Larry is an enthusiastic baseball fan.


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