Friday, June 13, 2014

Trouble in the Land of Milk and Honey (2)

Reuben prepared a vegetable soup. He tasted it and decided it needed more seasoning to beef up the flavor. Reuben began sprinkling some hot pepper out of a shaker. But the shaker's top fell off, and all the hot pepper went into the soup! The soup was now too spicy to eat. But there's no use crying over spilt milk.

Reuben went to work on another dish. Meanwhile, Ginger had completed an appetizer of stuffed mushrooms. They looked delicious. But as she was carrying the tray to the refrigerator, she slipped and fell. The tray flew out of her hands, and the mushrooms rolled all over the floor.

Ginger looked upset, but she didn't whine. "We just have to take the bitter with the sweet," she said.

Reuben had said cooking this meal would be easy, but he had to eat his words. The rolls didn't rise and ended up as flat as a pancake. Some of the fruit for their fruit salad had become rotten. Then they burned the steaks. "Madeleine would go bananas if she saw this," moaned Ginger.

Editor's Summary
So we see today that Reuben and Ginger get on with the job of cooking without Madeleine.
Reuben begins by making vegetable soup and decides to beef up the flavor by adding some seasoning.
And, beef it up he did.
The top came off the hot pepper shaker, and all of it went into the soup so that it was way too spicy to eat.
But he had no time to cry over spilt milk, so he started preparing another dish.
Meanwhile, Ginger had finished preparing the appetizer, which looked delicious.
But on her way to put it in the refrigerator, she slipped and her appetizer went everywhere.
It seemed like everything was going wrong.
The rolls ended up flat as a pancake, and some fruit for the salad was rotten, and the steaks burned.
Ginger knew Madeleine would go bananas if she saw their mess.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Eat What? 認錯就是要吞下
eat one's words 承認自己先前說錯的話, 把話吞回去
eat crow 吃烏鴉, 因為很不好吃, 也是指承認自己說錯的話
eat humble pies 從umbles演變而來的, 拉下面子道歉之意
umbles 動物的內臟, 中古世季, 這些是給地位低的人吃的, 所以吃到umbles pie的人是受辱

Grammar Gym
The rolls didn't rise and ended up as flat as a pancake.
to end up: 
to find oneself in a situation that was not according to the original plan
- If you don't make any reservations right now, you may end up having to wait for a long time.
- Everything was closed at night, so the hungry traveler ended up getting a bag of chips from a vending machine.

Language Lab
seasoning n.
salt, pepper, spices etc that give food a more interesting taste
-  Green onions, garlic and coriander are seasonings commonly used in Chinese cuisine.
season v.
to add salt, pepper etc to food you are cooking
- The chef seasoned the pork chops with salt and pepper.

appetizer n.
a small dish that you eat at the beginning of a meal
- Mom prepared some nachos for tonight's appetizer.
appetite n.
a desire for food
- Isaac has a healthy appetite.

whine v.
to complain in a sad, annoying voice about something [= moan]:
- The little girl whined about not being able to buy the toy she liked.
to make a long high sound because you are in pain or unhappy:
- The puppy whined all night.

moan v.
to complain in an annoying way, especially in an unhappy voice and without good reason:
- Greg is moaning about his job again, which is very annoying.
to make a long low sound expressing pain, unhappiness, or sexual pleasure [= groan]:
- The patient moaned loudly because he was in severe pain.


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