Friday, June 20, 2014

A Sticky Situation (1)

What did this stranger do?

An hour passed, and Leo grew more and more nervous. The young woman next to him stayed quiet but alert, her eyes darting back and forth as they drove. He glanced at the sign that asked passengers to be courteous to the driver and smiled to himself. Things could be much worse, but overall, this whole situations was less than ideal. Not that she had been rude, but courtesy was definitely the last thing on his passenger's mind.

He wondered what her story was and why she was in his taxi forcing him to drive her north. The way she handled the gun made him think she was too reluctant to be a hardened criminal. What could be the motive behind this kidnapping? Even though she had told him to be quiet, curiosity was starting to get better of Leo. He cleared his throat and nervously glanced at her. But before he could break the silence, she spoke first.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: What Is a Story?
Story 的多重定義:
如果回答作業被狗吃了, 那這就是一個story,
如果有一個人去搶銀行, 那背後一定有一件事是讓他要去做這件事,
end of story 指故事結束了, 不想做任何解釋了

Grammar Gym
Not that she had been rude, but courtesy was definitely the last thing on his passenger's mind.
Not that..., but....
- Not that you have to buy your girlfriend expensive gifts and take her to a fancy restaurant, but showing up at her house with nothing planned is not a smart idea.
- Not that you needed to give a long speech at the dinner party, but mumbling a few words without even thanking your host was rather impolite.

Language Lab
sticky adj. 黏黏的,忌手的、令人為難的
made of or covered with a substance that sticks to surfaces
a sticky situation, question, or problem is difficult or dangerous: 陷入膠著的狀態
- The development of the new product is at a sticky stage.
- There were a few sticky moments during the trial, but in the end, we still won the case.

courteous adj. 禮貌的,客氣的
polite and showing respect for other people
- Even though Josh is successful now, he's still friendly and courteous to everyone.
courtesy n. 禮貌
polite behaviour and respect for other people [= politeness; ≠ discourtesy]:
- The clerks in this shop always treat their customers with courtesy.

harden v. 使硬化        hard adj. 堅硬的  
to become firm or stiff, or to make something firm or stiff
- The mixture will harden in a few hours.
if your attitude hardens, or if something hardens it, you become more strict and determined and less sympathetic 變的麻木不仁或立場變堅固
- The buyer's attitude suddenly hardened during the negotiations.

curiosity  n. 好奇心  
the desire to know about something
- I gave into curiously and opened the gift.
- Children's curiosity always motivates them to learn.
curious adj.  
wanting to know about something
- People are curious about the private lives of celebrities.


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