Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Sticky Situation (2)

"Don't be afraid, I promise you that as long as you cooperate, you won't get hurt."

"Why are you doing this? And who are you?"

"Are you sure you really want to know? I don't think you'll want to involve yourself in this situation."

"Well, I'm already involved in this situation whether I want to be or not. Your kidnapping kind of made that decision for me."

"I suppose you're right about that. I'm Erica. I have worked for the Goliath National Bank Headquarters for three years. A year ago I was approached by a policeman who asked me to investigate the way they handle their business. They thought that my boss was stealing money from the company."

"I don't get it. What does this have to do with you kidnapping me?"

"Be patient and I'll tell you! I finally found proof that the police could use to arrest my boss. Before I could get the proof to them, however, my boss found out what we had planned. He framed me! Now the police think that I was using my cover with them as a way to steal money. I have to flee the country, or I'll be arrested."

"I thought things like that only happened in movies!"

"You do believe me, don't you?"

 "Of course I believe you! And I'll help you in any way that I can."

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Some Biblical Allusions 聖經的典故

the Garden of Eden 伊甸園, 任何一個美好的地方
Goliath 歌利雅, 巨人, 巨大的組織/公司
the Good Samaritan 好的撒瑪利亞人, 行善之人
Armageddon 啟示錄中末日, 指現今任何大的戰爭或災難

Grammar Gym
Your kidnapping kind of made that decision for me.
kind of: a little, in a small way, make words sound soft, not direct
- I'm feeling kind of hungry. (I'm feeling a little hungry.)
- Your kidnapping made that decision for me.
- Do you know you're kind of loud? Can you please lower your voice?
- You're kind of late, you know that?

Language Lab
cooperate v. 合作, 和某人合作(+ with)
to work with someone else to achieve something that you both want
- We decided to cooperate with a German company to get the bid.
cooperation n. 合作
when you work with someone to achieve something that you both want
- The cooperation between the two firms brought a lot of benefits to both.

involve v. 牽涉, 包含
if an activity or situation involves something, that thing is part of it or a result of it:
- This project involved a large sum of money and many teams.
- This couple always involves both of their families in their quarrels.
quarrel n.
an angry argument or disagreement

frame v. 污賴, 陷害
to deliberately make someone seem guilty of a crime when they are not guilty, by lying to the police or in a court of law
- The suspect claimed that he was framed by the real thief.
- The con man manufactured false evidence to frame this innocent guy.

flee v. 逃走, 潛逃 (past tense and past participle fled, 現在分詞為fleeing)
to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from danger:
- The robber fled to South America and disappeared.
fled the country 潛逃出境
- The police have the evidence to prove that the suspect has already fled the country.


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