Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Sound of Music (2)

Happy 50th anniversary to one of the world's most beloved musicals!

The plot
The Sound of Music tells the story of Maria, a young Austrian woman who is preparing to become a nun. For a temporary assignment, she becomes governess to seven children whose widowed father is often away from home. Maria introduces the unhappy children to the joy of music, and they form a choir. The children and their father grow to love Maria, and the couple gets married.

The story takes place as events leading up to World War II are escalating, and Germany has seized control of Austria.

In a dramatic ending, after the children compete and win the Salzburg Music Festival, the family begins their escape. They sneak away from the theater and walk across the snow-covered mountains into Switzerland to freedom!

A cultural phenomenon
Over the past 50 years, The Sound of Music has been staged in numerous places around the world. There have been performances in London, Japan, Sweden, Brazil, China and more. Audiences still flock to performances, thanks to a rich legacy of beautiful music and a classic story, left behind by the ever-popular 1965 film.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Thanks to Someone Is Not Thanking Someone 不帶感謝的Thanks to
thanks 指謝謝,
thank to 就不一定指謝謝
thanks to = because of 因為
thanks to you = because of you 因為你的原故
反諷用法: 多謝你...
No thanks to you! 你沒有任何工勞

Language Lab
widow v.
- The entrepreneur was brought up by his widowed mother.
widow n.
a woman whose husband has died
- The widow goes to her husband's tomb every month to mourn him.
widower n.
a man whose wife has died
- Lawrence is a widower with three young kids.

escalate v.
if fighting, violence, or a bad situation escalates, or if someone escalates it, it becomes much worse
- The tension between the two countries has escalated since the conflict at the border took place.
- The protest escalated into weeks of riots.
escalator n.
a set of moving stairs that take people to different levels in a building
- Take the escalator downstairs, and you'll find the supermarket.

sneak v.
past tense and past participle sneaked or snuck
to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard
- Josh snuck out of the meeting for a coffee break.
- Karl snuck into his room without letting anyone know he was back.

legacy n.
something that happens or exists as a result of things that happened at an earlier time
- The Italians have a rich cultural and political legacy from the Roman Empire.
money or property that you receive from someone after they die [= inheritance]:
- Henry's grandfather left him a legacy of $100,000.


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