Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Smile and Say Cheese!

Look your best in your next selfie

What can be more fun than taking a photo of yourself to send to your friends? You want them to share the fun you're having, but you also want to look good. Who wants to look awful in their selfie? You won't. If you remember a few basic things.

First, you should have good lighting. Make sure it's not too harsh or too dark. Taking a photo with your back to a sunny window is not a good idea. Your face will be dark. Stand facing the window instead, so the natural light falls on your face.

Next, check your background. Make sure it's clear and not cluttered or busy. Use a filter to make your features and your skin look better. Instagram has one and so do editing programs like Lo-Mob or Photo FX. Do something interesting like striking a pose or balancing something on your head. Be creative!

When you take a selfie, keep these things in mind. Then, more than likely, you'll have a memorable one to share.

Info Cloud 
Teaching Topic: Say Cheese! 教學主題: 拍照時為何要說 Cheese?
Say "Cheese!" 嘴角會上揚
cheesy adj. 形容俗氣老套
一個做作的連續劇就可以用cheesy 來形容

Closer Look 
Stand facing the window instead, so the natural light falls on your face.
Stand facing the window ...
[Verb] facing [something or a direction].
- The dog lies down facing the door.

Language Lab
selfie n. 自拍 (新的字, 從self 廷申來的)
- If you go to the girl's Facebook page, you can see tons of her selfies taken at all kinds of events.
- The popularity of the selfie at the Oscars has become an Internet phenomenon.

harsh adj. 刺耳, 嚴厲, 苛刻的
harsh conditions are difficult to live in and very uncomfortable [= severe]:
- The harsh sunlight almost blinded her temporarily when she stepped out from the basement.
treatment/criticism severe, cruel, or unkind
- The harsh words by the teacher deeply wounded the little girl.

clutter v. 亂堆, 弄亂, 混亂
to cover or fill a space or room with too many things, so that it looks very untidy:
- His room was cluttered with books and dirty laundry.
cluttered adj. 混亂的, 雜亂的
- I don't know how he can find anything on such a cluttered desk.

strike a pose 擺pose
to stand or sit with your body in a particular position:
- The model struck many poses for the photo shoot.
- The singer struck the pose of a superhero for the magazine.


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