Sunday, March 29, 2015

Good Decisions 3/25

  • Follow your heart.
  • Weigh out the possible outcomes.
  • Don’t rush.
What goes into making a good decision?

Decisions, decisions. Every day, you probably face endless choices from what clothes to wear to what friends to have lunch with. Some decisions are easywhile others are not. Maybe you’ve been offered a job.Should you take it? Your friend offers some advice. Should you heed it? According to a study by Sheena Iyengar of Columbia University, Americans make about 70 decisions every day. So how do you make a good one?

Follow your heart
Be self-reflective. “People who aren’t self-reflective are going to end up making bad decisions because they don’t really know what they want in the first place,” says David Welch. He’s the author of Decisions, Decisions: The Art of Effective Decision Making.

Listen to that quiet voice inside your heart. A choice based upon intuition tends to be more beneficial for your life path.

Weigh the possible outcomes
After you have all the facts, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of your options. Need a second opinion? Explain the situation to someone you trust to help gain new insight.

Don’t rush
When faced with a difficult choice, gather the information you need, and then take a break. Don’t make any decisions when under a lot of stress.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Pros and Cons 利與弊 「Pros」和「Cons」不單獨用16:10
When you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of something, you’re considering or comparing the pros and cons.

Pros and cons is actually short for pro and contra, a Latin phrase that means for and against.

Now, since this is a stock expression we should use it as such, and not break it up. If we just talk about pro or con by itself, it may cause confusion.

Right! Since the two words have different meanings,outside of the phrase pros and cons without any contexts, a pro or con can be misinterpreted.

So if I want to emphasize many advantages of foot ball team has, I should just say that, instead of saying the football team has lots of pros.

Right! If I heard the football team has lots of pros, I would think the team has many professional players.

That’s right, and the same with con, which can mean fraud.

So if we don’t first mention pros and cons, we should use other words like advantages and disadvantages, upsides and downsides, drawbacks etc. For example, being a fashion model is fun and exciting but there are downsides to the job as well.

Language Lab
heed v.
to pay attention to someone's advice or warning:
- She didn’t heed her parent’s advice.
- The mountaineers didn’t heed the weather forecast and continued on.
heed n.
to pay attention to something, especially something someone says, and seriously consider it:
- take heed of the signs of recession

self-reflective adj. 自我反思的
- a self-reflective journey
self-reflection n.
careful thought about your own behavior and beliefs
- a moment of self-reflection

intuition n.
a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why
- Intuition was telling her that something was very wrong.

insight n.
the ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way
— often + into
- We need to gain insight into the politics of the region.


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