Monday, March 30, 2015

Your Friends and Their Phones (1)

Wait just a minute, I need to answer this

Andy and Betsy are having dinner at their favorite Italian restaurant.

Andy: Wow! The food looks extraordinary. The chefs here really know how to present their food.

Betsy: They sure do! I'm going to post a picture of it online.

Andy: Really? We can just tell our friends that the food here is great.

Betsy: Well, I suppose. But you know what they say, "A picture is worth a thousand word."

Andy: Yeah, and the time you spend taking that picture allows your food to get cold.

Betsy: It doesn't take that long.

Andy: Sure it does. Think of how much time you spend arranging the plate and getting the right angle. After that you edit the photo, connect to the Internet and finally you post it. Not to mention the extra time you need to add the location and a caption.

Betsy: That's not a big deal. My food is nice and warm, and I've just provided the restaurant with free marketing.

Andy: What are you talking about?

Betsy: By posting a picture, people can see what the food looks like and even get an idea of what to order.

Language Lab
extraordinary adj.
very unusual or surprising:
- The boy's extraordinary singing talent amazed the audience.
- The patient has made extraordinary progress over the past few months. 進步神速

post v.
to put up (a sign, notice, etc.) so that it can be seen by many people
- Teresa loves to post selfies on her Facebook page.
- The requirements for this position were posted on our website.
keep (someone) posted : to regularly give (someone) the most recent news about something
- I'll keep you posted about the game's latest developments.

caption n.
words printed above or below a picture in a book or newspaper or on a television screen to explain what the picture is showing
- Make sure there's a caption on each picture.
- Under the picture, there's a caption that says "Jazz King."
caption v.
- The photo is captioned "Golden Age." 黃金歲月

big deal n.
used to say that you do not think something is as important as someone else thinks it is:
- We had to stay one more night because the flight was cancelled. It was not a big deal, though.
- "I got an A on my history report." "Big deal! I got an A+!"


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