Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Five Foods for Healthy Hair (2)

3. Oysters: Another from the sea, oysters are rich in zinc, an essential nutrient to your hair's health. Too little zinc can lead to hair breakage or a flaky scalp. If you're not a fan of oysters, you can boost your zinc intake with beef and eggs.

4. Leafy greens: Like you need another reason to eat your spinach! You know that leafy greens are important for a whole host of reasons, but now you can add a few more. They have iron, beta carotene, folate and vitamin C - all nutrients that help keep your hair full of shine.

5. Avocado: Many shampoos and hair treatments contain avocado as one of their main ingredients. That's because using avocado can repair damaged hair, prevent hair loss and even promote hair growth! But eating this fruit (yes, avocado is a fruit!) can be good for your hair, too. Avocados are rich in numerous nutrients, particularly vitamins B and E, which are important for keeping hair strong and preventing hair loss. Known as a superfood, avocados are also rich in omega-3s, antioxidants, vitamin C, K and folate.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Nutrition vs. Nutrient 教學主題: Nutrition 與 Nutrient的差別
nutrition n.
the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy

nutrient n.
a substance that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow

Closer Look
Like you need another reason to eat your spinach!
Like [subject] need(s) another [something].
- Like she needs another pair of shoes!
- Like you need another toy!

Language Lab
boost v.
to increase or improve something and make it more successful:
- The new marketing strategy boosted the company's sales by 10 percent.
- The coach's pep talk really boosted the team's morale, and they won the game.

host n.
a great amount or number
- The previous CEO left a host of problems for the present one to solve.
- There are a whole host of leisure activities to choose from at this resort.

avocado n.
- The avocado sushi is so tasty.
- Japanese eat avocados with soy sauce.
- The chef put some avocado slices on top of the prawns.
avocado adj.
light green
- These avocado placemats really go well with your dishes.

prevent v.
to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something:
- A healthy diet and regular exercise can help prevent heart disease.
prevent somebody/something (from) doing something
- The treatment can prevent the cancer from spreading.



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