Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Can I Get a Discount" (2)

Bargaining etiquette
Although bargaining customs vary, a few rules of etiquette apply in most cultures. First, avoid wasting people's time. If you don't intend to make a purchase, don't initiate bargaining. While bargaining, it is OK to walk away. But once you agree to a price, you must buy the item.

Stay polite. Don't get indignant if the first prices are too high. Remember, salespeople expect to bargain. Similarly, don't criticize items the shop's owners made themselves. And know when to stop trying to drive the price lower. Sellers in Third-World countries probably need the money more than you do.

Other options
Even in countries that don't allow bargaining, you may find abundant opportunities to save money. Many stores sell old items on clearance or hold huge sales at the end of a season. Others offer discount cards to regular customers. Some of these can function as credit cards within the store, and a few can even be used elsewhere.

Wherever you go,understanding local customs can help you find good prices - and great goods.

Language Lab
etiquette n. 禮儀, 禮節, 不成文規定
- There is some email etiquette one must follow. For example, you should write clear subject lines.
- As a diplomat, you need to know diplomatic etiquette thoroughly.

indignant adj. 憤怒的
- The residents were indignant when they found out they were being forced to move out of the building in six months.
- Martha was indignant at the way her colleagues treated her.

abundant adj. 豐富的
- There's an abundant water supply in this agricultural area.
- Wildlife is abundant in this national park.
abundance n. 大量, 充裕
- Food and drinks are in abundance on the cruise ship.

clearance n. 清除, 解除
- Brenda bought many linens and towels during the department store's clearance sale.
- A special team was sent to help the clearance of the mines.


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