Monday, February 16, 2015

To Peel or Not to Peel (1)

Are fruit peels really bad to eat?

Carl is in the kitchen making a smoothie when his roommate Ray walks in.

Ray: Wow, is this gigantic smoothie mine? It looks great. What's in it?

Carl: Well, give it a taste, and tell me what you think!

Ray: Mmmm... Tastes like banana, blueberries, maybe an orange... and something else. But I am not sure what something else.

Carl: That "something else" is the banana peel!

Ray: Are you serious? You made me a banana-peel smoothie?!

Carl: No, it's not just banana peel. I blended the entire banana into the smoothie. Actually, there's orange peel in it as well.

Ray: But isn't banana peel bad for you?

Carl: Of course not! Banana peels are rich in fiber, which is true of many other kinds of fruit and some vegetables too.

Ray: But what about the pesticides? A lot of farmers spray their fruit trees with pesticides.

Carl: That's true. But I washed the peel first.

Ray: I hope you scrubbed it with a highly concentrated soap.

Carl: That's a little extreme. Water and regular soap should be adequate. Anyway, peels are full of vitamins, too.

Ray: Maybe. But I can always take my vitamins in the form of a pill.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: What Is a Roommate?教學主題: Roommate 必須住在同一間房間嗎?
roommate 室友, 在美國指住同個房間或一個房子不同房間,
如果是住同個公寓不同房間就叫 flatmate
也可用 housemate 更清楚是住同一個房子不同房間

Closer Look
Banana peels are rich in fiber, which is true of many other kinds of fruit and some vegetables too.
[ A description of something], which is true of [that group or category of something].
- Taking care of a kitten requires a lot of effort, which is true of many other kinds of pets.
- It's important to check with a doctor before you begin this exercise program, which is true of many other kinds of health programs.

Language Lab
gigantic adj.
extremely large
- The gigantic industrial complex encompasses over 50 factories.
- The reconstruction of this seriously damaged city is a gigantic task.

blend v.
to mix (things) thoroughly and usually with good results
- The art teacher taught the students how to blend certain colors to make new colors.
- Mom blended some strawberries into the juice.
blend n.
something produced by mixing or combining different things
- the coffee is a nice blend of three different beans.

fiber n.
- The doctor suggested that the patient increase his intake of foods that are high in fiber.
- The fabric is a blend of cotton and artificial fibers.
- Most processed foods are low in fiber.

concentrate v.
to think about something : to give your attention to the thing you are doing, reading, etc.
- The essential oil was extracted and concentrated at the plantation.
concentrated adj. 過去分詞當形容詞用, 指濃縮的
- This concentrated juice tastes just like it's freshly squeezed.


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