Thursday, February 5, 2015

Five Foods for Healthy Hair (1) 2/2

These foods do more than taste good

Healthy hair doesn't stop with the kind of shampoo you use or how often you wash your hair. It also includes your diet. Here are five foods that will help keep your hair healthy:

1.Blueberries: Blueberries are one of nature's healthiest fruits. Dark berries in general (such as blackberries, raspberries and strawberries) are known to have lots of antioxidants, which are important for combating the free radicals in our body. In addition, blueberries have a lower glycemic index than a lot of other fruit, making them an ideal choice for people with diabetes or for those focusing on weight loss. Blueberries also have a ton of vitamin C. Without adequate vitamin C, your hair can break more easily. So eat your blueberries!

2.Salmon: Wild-caught salmon is full of omega-3 fatty acids, oils that our body doesn't create on its own and are essential to healthy hair and a healthy body. Salmon is also an excellent source of protein, another essential nutrient for healthy hair. If you don't like salmon, try eating walnuts or flaxseed, which are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Counting Hair 教學主題: 頭髮如何數?
Is hair countable or uncountable?
- Steve has blond hair. 頭髮, 不可數
- She found two hairs on his collar.一根根頭髮, 毛髮, 可數

a strand of hair 一根頭髮
splitting hairs 鑽牛角尖, 在小事情上吹毛求疵
split ends 頭髮分叉

Closer Look
Healthy hair doesn't stop with the kind of shampoo you use or how often you wash your hair.
[Subject] doesn't stop with [something]. 
- Learning English doesn't stop with just getting the right books and attending the right classes.
- Helping the homeless doesn't stop with handing out supplies and cooking meals for them.

Language Lab
antioxidant n. 抗氧化物
a substance that is added to food and other products to prevent harmful chemical reactions in which oxygen is combined with other substances
- Grape seeds are rich in antioxidants.
- The doctor suggested the patient increase her intake of antioxidant foods.

combat v. 鬥爭, 戰鬥
- The government tried to create more working opportunities to combat unemployment.
 n. 戰鬥
- Combat suits and weapons are basic equipment for this squad.

diabetes n. 糖尿病
- Stuart is suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.
diabetic adj. 糖尿病的
- Diana is diabetic, so she can't eat too much sweets.

nutrient n. 養分, 營養素
- The fertilizer contains many nutrients for plants to grow well.
- Athletes need to eat diets full of essential nutrients for them to be strong and fit.


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