Tuesday, October 21, 2014

URB-E - The Commuter's Friend (1)

An electric vehicle that you can carry with you

Residents of urban areas often make use of public transportation on their way to school or the office. But when their final destination isn't near a bus stop or subway station, those folks have a problem. Transportation experts often refer to his as the "last mile" problem - finding a way to close the gap between public transportation stops and one's destination. With the last mile problem in mind, the makers of the URB-E designed a compact electric vehicle that weighs around 13 kilograms.

Unlike bikes, which often don't fit on crowded buses or trains, the URB-E collapses into a form similar to carry-on luggage. And since the URB-E can be carried practically anywhere, it's not as vulnerable to thieves as bikes are.

Depending on usage, the URB-E can travel for 32 kilometers on a single charge, reaching a top speed of 24 kilometers per hour. Although there are other vehicles attempting to address the last mile issue, the URB-E stands out for its ease of use, portability and affordable price. For the price of a nice laptop, you could have an URB-E to drive to the office.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Metrication 公制化
美國是目前還沒有實施metrication 三個國家之一,
metrication就是採用 metric system 指的是採用公制的單位,
例如: Celsius 攝氐, 是在metric system,
但美國人是用 Fahrenheit 華氐,
美國人形容距離會用 mile 英哩,
這是屬於 U.S. customary unit 美國慣用單位

Grammar Gym
Although there are other vehicles attempting to address the last mile issue, the URB-E stands out for its ease of use, portability and affordable price.
Although there are other ... attempting to ..., ... stands out for ...
- Although there are other contestants attempting to break the school record, Rachel stands out for her good attitude and sportsmanship.
- Although there are other companies attempting to be number one in the industry, this company stands out for its dedication to excellence and quality products.

Language Lab
commuter n.
someone who travels a long distance to work every day
- The trains are always packed with commuters during rush hour.
commute v.
to regularly travel a long distance to get to work
- Mike commutes to Boston every day.
commute n.
the journey to work every day:
- The commute to school takes about an hour.

compact adj.
small, but arranged so that everything fits neatly into the space available - used to show approval:
- Compact cars are economical and easy to park.
- Even though this office is compact, it is still well-equipped.

vulnerable adj.
someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt:
- Babies' skin is more vulnerable to sunburn.
- The computer system is vulnerable to penetration if you don't change the codes constantly.
- Marian became very vulnerable after she broke up with her boyfriend.

portability adj.
able to be carried or moved easily:
- Portability is one of the advantages of the tablet.
- I bought this camera for its reliability and portability.


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