Monday, October 20, 2014

Interesting Animal Facts

All animals have unique traits 
趣味動物小檔案   所有動物都有獨特的特性

Did you know?
Seahorses: With a scientific name that means "horse caterpillars," these fish are believed to mate for life. The male carries and gives birth to the eggs the female deposits in his pouch.

Dogs' noses: No two people have the same set of fingerprints, so they are used to identify people. Not to be outdone by humans, dogs have unique sets of ridges on their noses. No two dogs have the same nose print!

Ants: There are about 1 million ants for every human in the world!

Goats: When you hear the bleating of goats, you may think it all sounds alike, but you would be wrong. As they grow older, goats, like us, develop accents based on who they hang out with!

Puppies: It may not seem like it to you, but male puppies are gentlemen! When playing with a female, a male puppy will usually let its playmate win even though he may have a physical advantage.

Fleas: These insects can jump up to 200 times their height. That's like a man jumping the height of the Empire State Building.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Baby Animal Names 小動物的名稱
dog - puppy
cat - kitten
pig - piglet
duck - duckling
rabbit - bunny
chicken - chick
eel - elver
calf: 小牛, 小象, 小河馬, 小犀牛, 小鯨魚
cub: 小熊, 小獅子, 小鯊魚

Grammar Gym
It may not seem like it to you, but male puppies are gentlemen!
It may not seem like to you, but ...
- It may not seem like it to you, but things will get better.
- It may not seem like it to you, but practicing your English as little as ten minutes every day can make a big difference.

Language Lab
pouch n.
a small leather, cloth, or plastic bag that you can keep things in, and which is sometimes attached to a belt
- Nina put all her money in a pouch and hid it in a jar.
a pocket of skin on the stomach which marsupials such as kangaroos use for carrying their babies leather, cloth, or plastic bag that you can keep things in, and which is sometimes attached to a belt
- Mommy koalas carry their young in their pouches.

outdo v.
past tense outdid, past participle outdone [transitive]
to be better or more successful than someone else at doing something:
- The cellphone company once again outdid their competitors by inventing several new functions.
- Not to be outdone, our team practiced extremely hard before the game.

bleat v.
to make the sound that a sheep or goat makes
- The sheep bleated faintly as they walked down the hill.
to complain in a silly or annoying way:
- Don't come to me bleating about everything that went wrong.
bleating n.
- The bleating of the lambs can be heard miles away.

advantage n.
something that helps you to be more successful than others, or the state of having this
- Fluency in English is one of Paul's advantages.
- A good crowd definitely would be an advantage to the local team.
disadvantage n.
something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective [≠ advantage]
- One disadvantage of using smartphones is that it takes up too much of our time.


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