Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bridge Day

The one day you should try jumping off a bridge

Once a year in the small West Virginia town of Fayetteville, people fly. No magic is involved, except perhaps the rush of adrenaline during a brief fall followed by a glide down 876 feet. Every October, hundreds of thousands head to the New River Gorge Bridge, the third tallest in the U.S. The majority of the people are spectators, but the event, Bridge Day, sees the world's largest gathering of BASE jumpers. These athletes jump off heights, timing the release of their parachute for both safety and ultimate excitement.

In recent years, jumpers have also been able to enjoy an additional thrill - the human catapult. Jumpers are launched 50 feet beyond the bridge before taking the plunge. But for those without the required 100 jumps of experience or the needed equipment, there are many other attractions. Besides enjoying the scenery from the bridge (open to pedestrians only on Bridge Day), the inexperienced can jump tandem or explore the walkway hanging from the ridge. A high line ride from the walkway to the riverside below is also a lesser-known adventure offered at the festival.

Weather one of the 450 jumpers or the thousands of walkers, you won't be disappointed on Bridge Day.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Parachute Kids 降落傘孩子

但是因為孩子還小還不會分辨是非, 往往步入岐途,

Grammar Gym
No magic is involved, except perhaps the rush of adrenaline during a brief fall followed by a glide down 876 feet.
No [subject]+ [verb], except (perhaps)... followed by...
- No special plans are made for this evening, except for a walk through the park followed by a quick stop at the ice cream shop.
- No visitors came into the store, except for the postman followed by the pizza boy.

Language Lab
adrenaline n.
a chemical produced by your body when you are afraid, angry, or excited, which makes your heart beat faster:
- The level of adrenaline in your body rises when you're excited or nervous.
- The patient's adrenaline glands are not functioning normally.
If you experience a rush of adrenaline or an adrenaline rush, you feel very excited and full of energy.
- The cheering was like a shot of adrenaline for the players.

ultimate adj.
someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim, that they hope to achieve in the future [= final]
- This match is the ultimate challenge for both boxers.
better, bigger, worse etc than all other things or people of the same kind:
- The ultimate luxury hotel in Hong Kong is the Peninsula.

thrill n.
a sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure, or the thing that makes you feel this:
- It's a great thrill for Susie to meet her childhood friend again.
- Nothing competes with the thrill of winning a game.
thrill v.
[transitive] to make someone feel excited and happy
thrill at
- The kids are thrilled at having a party with their friends.

pedestrian n.
someone who is walking, especially along a street or other place used by cars
- A pedestrian stopped and helped the injured driver.
- Many pedestrians have accidents when they walk and text at the same time.
pedestrian adj.
relating to pedestrians or used by pedestrians:
- a pedestrian area

Language Lab

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