Saturday, January 10, 2015

That’s an Interesting Job! (2)

Ethical hacker
Ethical hackers spend their time attacking computer security systems to prevent data theft and fraud. Using the same techniques as their unethical counterparts who only want to steal, ethical hackers look for system weaknesses and report the problems. One needs certification, IT security experience and a college degree. But it can be very exciting!

Body-parts model
Sometimes fashion models look good modeling a whole outfit, but some individual parts of their bodies are not good for close-ups. That's why body-parts models are crucial.

Their specialty involves modeling one part of their body, like a hand, foot or leg. Hand models help sell rings, bracelets or nail products. Foot models make shoes look good, and leg models highlight things like stockings or lotion.

High-rise window washer
Imagine going out onto the roof of a 30-story building, turning around and stepping backward over the edge. High-rise window washers do that every day, but of course they are attached to one or more ropes. They enjoy incredible views and witness lots of goings-on inside offices.

Definitely not a job for the faint of heart!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Oxymorons 矛盾修詞法
a deliberate combination of two words that seem to mean the opposite of each other, such as 'cruel kindness'
把相互矛盾的二個字放在一起, 以獲得特殊的效果,
例如: ethical hacker, open secret, old news, working vacation

Closer Look
Definitely not a job for the faint of heart!
Definitely not a [something] for [somebody].
- Definitely not a movie for young kids.
- Definitely not a trail for beginners.

Language Lab
fraud n.
the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods
- The con man was arrested and sentenced for business fraud.
- The insurance fraud became the focus of the media because it involved a great deal of money.
someone or something that is not what it is claimed to be
- That picture of Bob with the president is a fraud. Bob has never even met him.

counterpart n.
someone or something that has the same job or purpose as someone or something else in a different place
- The prime minister will meet his counterpart from Great Britain to discuss the good shortage problem.
- The price of our new product is higher than its counterparts, but its quality is superior.

specialty n.
a subject or job that you know a lot about or have a lot of experience of [= speciality British English]
- Lawrence's specialty is music engineering.
a type of food that a person, restaurant, or area is well known for
- The specialties of this restaurant are cheeseburgers and chili fires.

high-rise n.
high-rise buildings are tall buildings with many levels
- Janet's office is in that modern high-rise.
- These high-rise create the city's unique skyline.
high-rise adj.
- a high-rise office building


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