Thursday, January 15, 2015

Five Fun-filled Festivals (3)

* Tromso International Film Festival, January 12 -- 13

If film is your passion, then Norway's Tromso film festival is for you! Since the country's winter days are in twilight, it's perfect for watching movies outside.

You will get to meet and interact with people from the international film industry. And you'll gbe able to view some of the world's best international films on Tromso's enormous outdoor screen. More than 50,000 people attend the festival each year.

* Grindelwald World Snow Festival, January 19 -- 24

Every January, ice art takes center stage in the beautiful Swiss village of Grindelwald. Artists from around the world arrive in mid-January to accept the ice challenge. They start with meter-high blocks of ice and spend six days creating spectacular sculptures.

Festival-goers are delighted to see the process as well as the finished pieces. An added benefit is the chance to enjoy the breathtaking scenery around Grindelwald.

Don't let the cold weather keep you inside this season. There are lots of fun and exciting events to attend!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Fun is Not Funny (Fun和Funny的區別)
fun 好玩 有趣的
funny 幽默 搞笑的

Closer Look
If film is your passion, then Norway's Tromso film festival is for you!
If [something] is your passion, then [a certain activity, program or thing] is for you!
- If war history is your passion, then this World War 2 movie is for you!
- If French culture is your passion, then this cooking class is for you!

Language Lab
passion n.
a very strong belief or feeling about something
- Hank's passion is sports cars. He has spent a great deal of time and money on them.
- One of Brenda's passions is dancing.
with passion
- He spoke with passion about the needs of the orphans.

twilight n.
the small amount of light in the sky as the day ends
- After a long and difficult hike, the mountaineers reached the camp at twilight.
the period just before the end of the most active part of someone's life
- After Nathan retired, he began to enjoy the twilight of his life.

spectacular adj.
very impressive:
- We stopped to enjoy the spectacular view of the canyon.
very sudden, unexpected, or extreme:
- The new product brought in a spectacular profit.

scenery n.
the natural features of a particular part of a country that you can see, such as mountains, forests, deserts etc:
- The island's scenery is breathtaking.
- The scenery from our boat as we passed by the icebergs was spectacular.


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