Saturday, December 28, 2013

O-Kai (3)

Looking up
There's no doubt that things have been going well for O-Kai. Some of their favorite foreign professional arrangers were happy to arrange songs for their album after the group approached them. O-Kai A Cappella was named one of the top 10 Taiwanese albums of 2012 because it brought something new to the table. Now their hard work and creativity has been rewarded with three Golden Melody Awards, Taiwan's highest honor for music. Rather than dwell on their own achievements, though, O-Kai thank God for His guidance and give honor to Him.

Looking forward 
O-Kai continue to push forward with more performances and projects with no signs of their energy running low. As I am talking to them, Sean even uses spare moments to practice his vocal percussion. Before I hear them sing, they create a zoo of musical sounds to warm up, caring little if anyone hears. Though their schedule is packed, they still gather around their music like carefree children. Perhaps their hearts are still back in that village church around the piano.

Info Cloud
rest on one's laurel 
to stop trying because one is satisfied with one's past achievements.
to be satisfied with what you have achieved and therefore stop trying to achieve anything new
laurel: a small tree with smooth shiny dark green leaves that do not fall in winter
laurel 是月桂樹的植物, 在古希臘中他被用來做為比賽勝力者的桂冠,
所以如果你 rest on your laurels 表示你沉浸在自己的成就中,而不思進取
你過去的成功也許非常精彩, 導至你不需要做任何事情
所以to rest on one's laurels 指的是停止嘗試, 不再前進,
今天課文提到 O-Kai 不沉浸在自己的成就中, 是感謝上帝的引導
其實在演藝介有不少上進的藝人會試途 reinvent 他們自己
意思是撤底改造自己, 讓自己有展新的一面再出發

Grammar Gym
zoo: a situation where there is a lot of confusion
- Before I hear them sing, they create a zoo of musical sounds to warm up, caring little if anyone hears.
- The teacher had only left her classroom for five minutes, but when she got back, it was a zoo.
- Brent avoids going to the mall during the holiday season in order to stay away from the zoo of shoppers.

Language Lab
bring to the table
bring something to the table
to provide something that will be a benefit
If you bring something to the table, you make a contribution or an offer in a discussion or negotiation.
- The new manager brought a lot of new ideas to the table.
- Gina was hired because she could bring her experience and insights to the department.

dwell on [phrasal verb]
dwell on/upon (something) to think or talk about (something) for a long time
dwell- dwelt (dwelled) / 現在分詞 dwelling
- For a long time, Frank dwelt on his past glory and could not move on.

vocal percussion n.
vocal : relating to the voice or to singing
percussion: musical instruments such as drums, bells etc which you play by hitting them
- The band's vocal percussion performance was brilliant.
- You must use different facial muscles to create a complex vocal percussion sound.

carefree n.
having no worries or problems
- Charles looks happy and carefree since he retired.
- Jackson spent a long, carefree summer at his grandparents' cottage.


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