Thursday, December 26, 2013

O-Kai (1)

This group captures Taiwan’s native spirit in an unexpected way
When I hear Taiwanese aboriginal music, I imagine the kind, dark face of an old man singing memories. Yet, when O-Kai sings the Atayal song "Lahuy ta riax soni" ("We gather together"), it produces a very different effect.

Looking closely
O-Kai's first album is in part a government-funded attempt to preserve aboriginal music, particularly lesser-known songs. But where you might expect traditional performances of folk songs, you get O-Kai's original blend of styles.

You'll notice that the entire album is sung a cappella. O-Kai's members prove that they are very capable of complex harmonies and creative voice techniques. And beyond a cappella, O-Kai has also planted itself in the world of jazz. Of course, it is far from the first group to perform a cappella jazz. In fact, O-Kai marvels at many such groups, especially gospel group Take 6, which uses both jazz and R&B. However, O-Kai may be first to put a lively jazz stamp on the warm, joyful music of Taiwan's native people.

Info Cloud
a cappella 
without instrumental music

除了法文之外, 義大利文也占有一席之地,
之前課文關於咖啡文章的 espresso/cappuccino/latte/venti 咖啡用語源自義大利,
今天的課文 a cappella 指的是沒有樂器伴奏的清唱,
例如: piano 鋼琴 / soprano 女高音/ tempo 節奏 / crescendo 漸強音
在文藝復興時期和巴洛克時期, 許多的作曲家都是義大利人

Language Lab
aboriginal adj.
relating to the people or animals that have existed in a place or country from the earliest times
aboriginal n.
an aborigine
- The aboriginal handicrafts on display were not for sale.
- The aboriginal people here are friendly and hospitable.

blend n.
a mixture of different things that combine together well:
- The blend of two different coffee beans creates a distinct aroma.
- The chef makes his own blend of flour to make pancakes.
blend v.
- Mix the egg whites and sugar until they are blended together.

harmony n.
notes of music combined together in a pleasant way
- The complex vocal harmonies are difficult to master.
- The choir sang the song in perfect harmony.
- The politician devoted his life to racial harmony.

gospel n. 福音, adj. 福音的
the teachings of the Christian religion — usually used with the
- The pastor spent all his life preaching the Gospel.
- The pastor spent all his life preaching the Gospel.
a type of Christian music in which religious songs are sung very loudly
- Her gospel album was the hit of the year.


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