Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Moving Forward (2)

Our conversation began normally but headed south when we began discussing my job search. George's pessimism showed immediately. He informed me that he didn't think there were many jobs available in Taipei. I told him I wanted to be a writer. He told me that the competition would be too vicious for me to succeed; everybody wanted to write.

According to George, everything was hopeless. I was doomed. If I were lucky enough to find a job, it wouldn't be the one I wanted. At first my heart sank. But I decided not to listen to his negative predictions. What kind of person says such discouraging things to someone they just met? Obviously, life in Taipei had not been good to George. We parted ways after that and haven't met since in life there are always "Georges" trying to pull us down. Will we believe them and give up? Or will we ignore them and chase our dreams anyway?

I'm pleased to say none of George's predictions came true. I did find the job I was looking for - in Taipei - and I decided to stay.

Info Cloud
the organ in your chest which pumps blood through your body

1.the heart of city/the heart of the matter   (中心, 核心)
the centre of an area [countable] the middle part of an area furthest from the edge

2.my heart sink/don't lose heart  (bad mood, 灰心, 失望)
somebody's heart sinks used to say that someone suddenly lost hope and began to feel unhappy:
- Her heart sank when she saw the number of books she had to read.

3.take heart  (振作)
encouragement [uncountable] confidence and courage

4.heart-to-heart n. (坦誠的談話, 談心)
an honest, serious, and private conversation

5.have one's heart set on something (嚮往, 渴望, 熱衷於某事)
have your heart set on (something) or set your heart on (something)
- When you have your heart set on something or when you set your heart on something, you want it very much.

Language Lab
head south 出差錯, 下滑, 失敗 [head 出發/south 南方]
to fall; to go down
- The stock market started to head south as the government decided to raise the tax rate.
- Our sales have been heading south since last quarter.

vicious adj.
very violent and cruel
- The vicious criticism almost made the actor quit acting.
- His vicious temper always gets him in troble.
- The vicious attack agitated the international community.

prediction n. [pre字首-之前]
a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statement
- The experts' prediction of a serious recession affected the stock market.
predict v.
to say that something will happen, before it happens
- It's hard to predict how customers will respond to the new product.

pull down [phrasal verb]
to cause (someone) to become sad or depressed
- The coach thinks the wounded pitcher is pulling down the team.
pull somebody down
to make someone less successful, happy, or healthy


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