Monday, June 10, 2013

Picnic Time! (1)

Celebrate summer by eating outside
Instead of eating at the same old restaurant this weekend, why not go on a picnic? If you've never been on one, or if it's been a while, you can discover how good food tastes outdoors.

Picnics throughout history
Many believe the first planned outdoor meals took place during medieval times in Europe. The well-organized feasts usually included cold meats and fancy baked goods for wealthy guests of hunting parties.

During Victorian times in England, picnics were popular because they provided an opportunity for young people to spend time together outdoors. Art and literature began featuring picnics, and popular novelists introduced them in their books as enjoyable social events.

A typical Victorian picnic included a delicious meal - sometimes with lobster tail and rich desserts. In addition, picnic-goers enjoyed musical entertainment and group games. The food at 20th century picnics became less elaborate and included items like fried chicken, potato salad and other simple fare. Today people can take whatever they like to eat, but the focus is on having a simple, leisurely, fun-filled meal outdoors.

Info Cloud
dessert 甜點,點心
sweet food served after the main part of a meal
甜點當然是多多益善,所以有字裡有二個 , 容易與沙漠分辨
desert n. 沙漠
desert v.擅離(職守等) 發音與'dessert' 甜點相同
- He deserted his family.他抛弃了他的家庭。
deserter n.背棄者, 擅離職守者; 逃兵

Language Lab
medieval adj.中世紀的; 中古風的 [medi 中間]
connected with the Middle Ages (=the period between about AD 1100 and 1500)
- The medieval castle was turned into a museum.
medieval 老式的; 守舊的
very old or old-fashioned - used in a humorous or disapproving way
- The boss' medieval marketing strategy doesn't compete with our competitors.

feast n.盛宴, 筵席
a large meal where a lot of people celebrate a special occasion 
- We're having a big feast next Saturday to celebrate Grandma's birthday.
feast 大量令人享受的事物或享宴
- A trip to Rome is a feast for the eyes.
feast 飽餐
- The kids feasted on fried chicken and pizza.

elaborate n. 精心製作的; 精巧的; 詳盡的
made or done with great care or with much detail : having many parts that are carefully arranged or planned
- The elaborate hairstyle took hours to complete.
elaborate v. 詳細規劃, 詳細解釋 'e-la-ba-ret'
to give more details or new information about something:
- The police refused to elaborate on the case.

leisurely adj.從容不迫的, 悠閒的
if you do something in a leisurely way, you do it in a slow, relaxed way, without hurrying
- These tourists walked at a leisurely pace.
- Fiona had a leisurely lunch with her friends.
leisurely (adv) - 悠閒的,從容地
- We leisurely strolled along the beach.

host (v) - to in charge or hold an event.主持,主辦,作東款待
- Brazil will host the Olympic Games in 1016.
- Joanne will be hosting her best friend's wedding shower.




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