Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mumford & Sons (2)

Roots Across Borders
These London locals clearly have major followings in their home country and in the U.S., but what is it that appeals to both? The reason might well be that their style takes its cues more from American flavors than British. Folk and bluegrass tour companions and recording in Nashville, Tennessee, America's country capital, may have won them their Best Americana Album Grammy nomination this year. At the same time, you can find allusions to Shakespeare. The Odyssey and the Bible in their music - there truly is something for everyone.  

If they would claim anything about their style, it might be summed up in this "We're more about people than music." They don't even like the distinction between band and audience but would rather that both be considered as one whole, one family. For now, Mumford & Sons just want to keep up their energy, their creativity and the relationships they've found on the road. "I feel like we've got a lot more to say. We haven't said a third of it, a half of it, and eighty of it yet," Marcus says. This writer, for one, can't wait to hear more.

Info Cloud
1 the Garden of Eden 伊甸園(創世紀裡記載的),指任何一個美好的地方
2 Goliath 聖經故事中,非利士族巨人Goliath被年輕的少年大衛殺死,現在Goliath指巨人、巨大的組織或公司
3 The Good Samaritan 指行善的人。原為聖經故事中,有一個人從耶路撒冷下耶利哥去,落在強盜手中。只有一個撒瑪利亞人路過時,停下來幫助他,為他包紮,扶他騎上自己的牲口,帶到店裏去照應他。
4 Armageddon 聖經啟示錄中,世界末日時的一場大戰。今大規模的戰爭或大患難都用Armageddon來形容

Grammar Gym
for one : one example out of many
- This writer, for one, can't wait to hear more.
- Many people weren't impressed by the speaker, I, for one, think his talk was too long.
- My day just didn't go smoothly, for one, I overslept and was late for work.
- I don't think you should take that job; for one, the pay is so low and the hours are horrible.

Language Lab
folk adj.大眾的、通俗的、民間的
of or relating to the common people of a country or region
- Ellen learned fold dancing from her grandparents.
- The lyrics of the folk songs are so melancholic.
folk n.人們、大家
people in general;  a certain kind of people
- These folks are from New Orleans.

allusion n.間接提及、暗示
something said or written that mentions a subject, person etc indirectly  often + to
- The novel is full of allusion to Hemingway's work.
- Jason made no allusion to the reasons for his resignation.

sum up 簡而言之、概括而言 [summed/summing]
to give the main information in a report, speech etc in a short statement at the end
- Debra summed up her vacation with her parents in one word. "Miserable."
Debra 用一個字「悲慘」,來概括她和父母一起度過的假期。

distinction n.區別、差異 [字首dis-離開, 分別]
a clear difference or separation between two similar things
- There are obvious distinction between a professional actor and an amateur.
make a distinction 做區別、做區分
- The company makes no distinction between genders and racial backgrounds.



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