Tuesday, December 30, 2014

For Better Results, Visualize your New Year’s Resolutions (1)

Some advice to help you reach your goals this year

About to make your annual resolutions for self-improvement in the New Year?

Whether you are planning to lose weight, save for a trip or find a new job, don't find yourself slipping in your resolve. Set yourself up to win!

"This year can be different if you approach your resolutions the right way," explains Dr. Daniela White, board-certified psychiatrist.

White suggests taking this approach:

1. Set up one goal with a well-defined, measurable outcome (i.e., losing 10 pounds).

2. Determine the period over which you want to achieve that goal, making it a reasonable expectation. (For example, to lose 10 pounds, remember that the healthy way to do that is to trim off 1 pound per week. It will take a minimum of 10 weeks to achieve the goal.)

3. Give your desired outcome details, including dreaming about how you will feel when you achieve it and how others will perceive you (i.e., visualize the lighter-weight you now fitting into a certain outfit; How will you look? How will you feel? How will people react when seeing you?)

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Board, the Wooden Table  木板桌子的意義
因為在古時候, 英國人家裡的廚房就有一個用wooden board做成的桌子,
學校提供room and board 就表示提供吃住,
因此boarding student 就是記宿學校的學生,
above board字面上是在板子上之意,
像是在玩牌的時候, 大家的手都放在桌子上, 表示沒有人做幣,
所以 above board表示光明正大之意,
董事長叫做chairman of the board 是因為古時候開家族會議時,

Language Lab
resolution n.
strong belief and determination
resolve v.
to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty

outcome n.
the final result of a meeting, discussion, war etc - used especially when no one knows what it will be until it actually happens [= result]
- It was impossible to predict the outcome of the election.

trim off 
past tense and past participle trimmed, present participle trimming [transitive]
1cut to make something look neater by cutting small pieces off it
2reduce to reduce a number, amount, or the size of something

minimum n.
the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessary [≠ maximum]


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