Wednesday, December 31, 2014

For Better Results, Visualize your New Year’s Resolutions (2)

4. Once your outcome is clear, make a life-size picture of it. Visualize yourself acting, seeing, feeling and hearing as you will once your goal is reached. Make it big, adding intensity through colors, sounds and feelings.

5. Break [the goal] into smaller steps (i.e., to lose 10 pounds, for the next 10 weeks, walk for 30 minutes each morning, or take a walk at lunch.).

6. With each sub-goal, repeat steps 1 to 5. (For example, visualize which gym to join [and] the day you will join it. [Think of] how good you will feel accomplishing this first step, how you will celebrate with friends, etc. To reinforce the mental image, write down a description of it.)

January 1 is a day of hope for the future. Carry that hope through to a positive outcome. Let your mind assist you in seeing where you want to go and guiding you there with a mental image.

Focusing on the outcome will keep you from straying away from the shortest path to achieving your goal.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Two Confused Latin Abbreviations 兩個易混淆的拉丁文簡寫
當一句話出現i.e.時, 就表示 換言之, 換句話說,
如果要建議某個人 break the goal into smaller steps,
後面可以再加 i.e., to lose 10 pounds, for the next 10 weeks, walk for 30 minutes each morning.

另一個常見的縮寫是e.g. 也就是例如的意思,
你可以寫 I like Mexican food, e.g., tacos.

i.e. (i= in other words)
e.g. 讀起來像egg. 像example 第一個音節的發音

Grammar Gym
Think of how good you will feel accomplishing this first step.
Think of how [emotion/feeling] you will feel [doing something].
- Think of how relaxed you will feel having a clean room.
- You might want to hurry up. Think of how bad you will feel making your mother wait.

Language Lab
life-size adj.
a picture or model of something or someone that is life-size is the same size as they really are:
- The life-size standees of the movie stars attracted many visitors to take pictures.
- A life-size statue of the organization's founder was put in the middle of the main hall.

accomplish v.
to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard [= achieve]:
- At age 25, Billy had already accomplished his goal of owning his own business.
- If we work together as a team, we can accomplish great things.
accomplishment n.
something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work [= achievement]
- The movie is a great accomplishment for the director.

carry through phrasal verb
to complete or finish something successfully, in spite of difficulties:
- We need more funds to carry the project through.
- Ivy is determined to carry through her goal of finishing college.

stray v.
to move away from the place you should be
- Children are not allowed to stray into this construction site.
- The village's road system is complicated. It's easy for visitors to stray off the correct path.


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