Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dealing with Disappointment (2)

Look for positive activities that will help you get over your disappointment. Perhaps you enjoy writing in your journal, playing games or running in the park. Do one or more of those things. This will help you overcome the disappointment. Also, write down on paper everything that you're grateful for. This will help you see the positive things in your life rather than the negative things.

Moving ahead
You've been disappointed. That's in the past. It's time to move forward, so don't dwell on your disappointment.

Remember that not all disappointments are bad. In fact you may eventually realize that what you wanted is not really what you needed. You may discover you're better off because things didn't work out as you'd planned. There may be a silver lining in your disappointment. Use the disappointment to reexamine your priorities. Then you may want to make major or minor changes in your life and focus on new goals. That can help you work through your disappointment.

Remember, the only true failure is to give up!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: To Realize vs. To Know (Realize 和 Know的差別)
realize/know 了解, 知道
I know who I love. 我知道我一直愛的是誰
realize 發現, 意識到一件事
I realize who I love. 我突然發現我愛的人是誰

Grammar Gym
In fact you may eventually realize that what you wanted is not really what you needed.
[Subject] eventually realize(d) that what [he/she] [verb 1-ed] is/was not really what [he/she] [verb 2-ed].
- Fiona eventually realized that the major she wanted to study was not really waht she was interested in.

Language Lab
overcome v.
to successfully control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving something:
- After practicing many times, William overcame his stage fright and made his speech.
- We overcame many difficulties and finally launched our first product.

dwell v.
dwell on/upon something phrasal verb
to think or talk for too long about something, especially something unpleasant:
past tense and past participle dwelt or dwelled
- Louisa spent lots of time dwelling on her terrible breakup with her boyfriend.
- Even though many years have passed,the victims of the train crash still dwell on the painful memories.

silver lining 
every cloud has a silver lining 
used to say that there is something good even in a situation that seems very sad or difficult
- Getting a loan from this bank is the silver lining for our company.
- Every cloud has a silver lining. Don't get discouraged.

priority n.
the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else:
- You have to set your priorities straight before making such an important decision.


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