Thursday, May 29, 2014

Should You Join a Gym? (2)

K: I enjoy exercising outside in the fresh air, so paying to work out indoors seems pointless to me.

J: I disagree. You can't run outside in bad weather, and anyway it's healthier to do a variety of exercises.

K: I don't mind running in the rain or in cold weather. I vary my exercise routine, though. Sometimes I exercise inside at home. That way I don't waste time traveling to and from the gym.

J: Since I hired my personal trainer six months ago, I've lost 20 pounds. I couldn't have done that without her diet and exercise tips and the motivation she gives me.

K: You can find a lot of free diet and exercise information online.

J: Maybe, but I don't trust the accuracy of online articles.

K: If you pay attention, it's pretty easy to find reliable online sources. Or you can buy books or workout videos, which cost much less than a gym membership.

J: Yeah, but knowing I'm scheduled to meet my trainer at the gym helps me stay disciplined.

K: I'm glad. But I prefer biking, hiking or jogging. Anyway, have fun at the gym.

J: I will. Have a good run!

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Number Rules
英文寫作規則, 小於10的數字應該拼出來,
10 跟10以上的數字要用阿拉伯數字代表,
但如果是一句話, 就要拼出來,
除非是個年份, 就要用阿拉伯數字,
還有年齡, 一定要用阿拉伯數字
- Thanks a million!
- I bought a dozen donuts for breakfast.
- Twenty times I tried calling you last night.
- 1998 was a great year!

Grammar Gym
J: Yeah, but knowing I'm scheduled to meet my trainer at the gym helps me stay disciplined.
K: I'm glad.
I'm glad. = I'm glad to hear that. = I'm glad that happened.

I'm sorry. (if you hear about something unfortunately, then you can say "I'm sorry.")
I'm sorry to hear that. (I'm sorry that happened.)

Language Lab
pointless adj. 沒有意義的, 無謂的
worthless or not likely to have any useful result:
- Their many pointless arguments didn't help the couple communicate at all.
- Buying name brands in pointless to me. I don't understand why people pay so much for logos.

motivation n. 動力, 動機
eagerness and willingness to do something without needing to be told or forced to do it
- A motivation to learn must come from within; it can't be forced.
motivate v. 激勵, 激發
to be the reason why someone does something
- The coach is good at motivating his team to win.

accuracy n. 精確性, 正確度
the ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistake:
- The reporters questioned the accuracy of the figures reported by the governor.
accurate adj. 正確的, 準確的
correct and true in every detail
- The carpenter made an accurate measurement of my kitchen cupboards.

discipline v. 管教
to punish someone in order to keep order and control
disciplined adj. 規律的, 受過訓練的, 訓練有素的
obeying rules and controlling your behavior:
- Bruce is a trustworthy and well-disciplined police officer.
- These children are very disciplined and obedient.


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