Monday, May 26, 2014

What's Behind That Smile? (1)

What does your smile really tell others about you?
Many who have seen Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting Mona Lisa have wondered about her smile. Was she nervous, happy or sad? No one knows for sure. But one thing is certain. Smiles convey much more than happiness or joy. The simple expression can show joy and contentment. Yet it can also mask feelings of sadness or embarrassment. Psychologists say that about 50 types of smiles cover a full range of emotions.

Is it real? 
How can you tell the difference between a real smile and a fake one? Researchers say that a real smile involves your entire face, especially around the eye area. Often, your cheeks will move up, and your eyes will look smaller. And little lines will usually form at the outside corners. With a forced or fake smile, only your lips will turn up. This involves little or no movement in your upper face muscles.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Reading Between the Lines
read between the lines 揣摩字裏行間的訊息, 體會弦外之音

Grammar Gym
- This involves little or no movement in your upper face muscles.
little or no [something]: don't need much or any of a certain thing.
- It takes little or no money to help with this charity project, and everyone is welcome to join.
- Putting this shelf together requires very little or no effort.

Language Lab
convey v. 傳達, 表達
to communicate or express something, with or without using words:
- In every one of Gary's picture, a sense of loneliness is conveyed.
- In this article, the author conveys a serious concern about global warming.

contentment n. 滿足, 心滿意足 [uncountable]
the state of being happy and satisfied [≠ discontent]:
- The couple lives a life of contentment with their children.
content adj. 滿意的, 滿足的
- Sherry is quite content with her present life.

researcher n. 研究員
- Every researcher on the team was assigned a different sample to study.

involve v. 牽涉,包括
to include or affect someone or something:
- Running a restaurant involves more than just cooking.
- The couple tried to involve everyone around them in their quarrels.

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