Thursday, November 21, 2013

Give Thanks (2)

The next day is a big sale day called Black Friday. The Christmas season officially begins then, and people want to buy Christmas gifts as early as possible. Also, Black Friday successfully tempts consumers to spend their money on discounted or hot sale items. Some stores open as early as midnight. you can hardly find a spot in the parking lot in front of a mall or a big retail store.

After Black Friday, people are given another chance to "Shop til you Drop" - Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is designed for shoppers who prefer to shop online. Just click, and your order will arrive within a couple of days.

We are very thankful for our family and friends back home. They have supported and encouraged us over the past year. We are also thankful for the new friends we have met in the U.S. They have welcomed us, helped us and taken us in. With gratitude in our hearts, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Info Cloud
Black Friday 黑色星期五
1960s美國費城的警察創造的。因為一年一度的陸軍和海軍足球賽在這一天舉行,於是來自各地的球迷湧進費城,加上聖誕節前的採購民眾,使得城裡交通大亂,負責指揮交通的警察,稱這一天為Black Friday,因為大家心情都不好。1980s有人覺得Black Friday太負面,就用會計學in the black(有盈餘),解釋Black Friday.

Language Lab
discount v. n.打折、減價
an amount taken off a regular price : a price reduction
- The department store discounts all items 10 percent for VIPS.
- You can get an extra 5 percent discount if you are a member.
如果你是會員,可以再打0.5折 parking lot停車場
- There's an underground parking lot near here.

parking space 停車格、停車位
space in which vehicles can be parked
- The guy rudely took my parking space.
parking structure整棟停車場、立體停車場
- The parking structure can hold over 400 cars. 這座立體停車場可以容納四百部車

click v. n.點選、按
to press a button on a mouse or some other device in order to make something happen on a computer [+ obj]
- Click on the printer icon, and choose the format.
n. the act of selecting something on a computer screen by pressing a button on a mouse or some other device
- With just one click, you can transfer money to an overseas bank.

gratitude n.感激、感恩
a feeling of appreciation or thanks
- I would like to express my gratitude to everyone here.
- Hank prepared this bouquet of flowers to show his gratitude to his teacher.



  1. 您好:非常了不起的筆記,我每次收看電視時,都不太能確定Info Cloud 單元課程所講的內容,Language Lab 的部份也是播放很快,因為雜誌上沒有這些,所以只能靠聽的,有了這些文字對我幫助很大,冒昧請教這些內容是您自己打出來的,還是有其他地方可查詢?謝謝。

  2. 您好, 可以聽他們網站的廣播教學或網路電視, 然後可以按暫停, 我通常是邊聽邊打, 所以才可以一個字一個字打出來 :-)
