Saturday, November 2, 2013

Life in Nepal: Part 3 (2)

Living at the dorm was uncomfortable. My bed was like a rock and too short for my 165 cm frame - my feet hung over the end. Lentils and rice were served twice a day, but my problems with food poisoning kept me from eating any. We had no shower, so I washed my hair twice a week in a bucket. My roommates made my stay bearable and even fun. They were Nepali sisters who had grown up in Singapore. They bridged the language and cultural gaps I experienced daily.

They came from the developed world but navigated the rough edges of Kathmandu with learned ease. We shared stories, sighed over pop stars and watched Korean dramas into the night together. Without their help and humor, I would have probably cried myself to sleep every night. Now years later, I remember my stay in Nepal as a time of homesickness, I was so relieved to go home. It wasn't until much later that I realized the full value of my experience and all it had taught me.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Homesick vs. Home Sick

homesick v.想家
homesickness n.鄉愁
- Johnny is home sick with the flu.

Language Lab
frame n.(人或動物的) 骨骼、身軀;架構、骨架、結構
the basic structure and shape of the body of a person or animal
- Her small frame makes her look like a teenager.
- Ellen kept a picture of her child in a silver frame.
- The house's frame is quite solid.

bearable adj.可忍受的、可容忍的
possible to bear : able to be accepted or endured
opposite - unbearable adj.令人無法忍受的
- Her friendship with her classmates made Chloe's life in school bearable.
- People find her arrogance unbearable.

navigate v.航行、橫渡、穿越;駕馭、成功的應付 [nav字根-船]
to find the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc.
to sail on, over, or through an area of water [+ obj]
to control the direction of (something, such as a ship or airplane) : steer
- The boat set out to navigate the fjord. 這艘船出發,要開進峽灣了
- With this device you can navigate the Internet at a faster speed.

relieve v.使解脫、使減輕
to reduce or remove (something, such as pain or an unpleasant feeling)
- Isabel decided to hire a helper to relieve her of her housework.
- Everyone was so relieved when we heard the lost boy had been found.

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