Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2015-08-25 Do it Yourself or Use a Pro? (2)

Now hold on a second. What exactly is wrong with the washer?

It won't run.

Is it plugged in? Did you check that?

Of course I did. But when I turn it on, it won't run. I checked the hoses, and they're fine, too.

Well, where is the manual? There should be some troubleshooting tips in that. I can check online, too.

There is plenty of DIY information out there. But how do you know it's trustworthy?

You have to be careful about the sites you use. Since there is good information out there, should I still not try to solve my own problems?


I should cast all of my heroic ideas aside and call a repairman to rescue my damsel in distress?


Honey, it's just an appliance that won't run, not hot-water pipes. At least let me take a look at it!

All right, all right. But if you can't determine the problem in half an hour, be my hero and call a repairman. I need clean clothes for the company picnic this weekend!

Info Cloud
Hello friends! Have you ever wondered which word in English has the most definitions?

Well, according to the Oxford English dictionary, that word would be “run”, in just its verb form alone there are 645 different meanings.

Wow, we all know run’s most common definition to move quickly using one’s legs and feet, right? Well, here are some more ways to use this word, you can run a fever, run your mouth, run an errand and run for office.

A machine should run when you turned it on, you can also run around, run off, and run somebody through with a sword.

So you should see by now that when we look up a word in the dictionary, we need to look at all the definitions, so we can grasp the real meaning of the word.

Language Lab
troubleshoot v.
a person who finds and fixes problems in machinery and technical equipment (such as computers);
a person who tries to find solutions to problems or end disagreements;
- An engineer was brought in to troubleshoot the computer problems.
troubleshooting n.
- William is an expert at troubleshooting and problem solving.

trustworthy adj.
able to be relied on to do or provide what is needed or right : deserving of trust
- Charles is a trustworthy and honest man. You can cooperate with him.
- If you want to sell your house, it's important to find a trustworthy real estate agent.

heroic adj.
of or relating to heroes;
having or showing great courage;
- The heroic act of the pilot has made him a household name now.
- The heroic firefighter rescued the baby from the burning house.

a damsel in distress
The phrase damsel in distress is used often humorously in modern speech and writing to refer to a woman who needs to be rescued.
- The heroines in modern movies are no longer damsels in distress. They can solve their own problems.


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