Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2015-08-11 Find James Bond, "Bali Hai" scenery in Kauai's proud, culture-rich Hanalei (1)

This hidden area has culture and history to offer

"Defend Hanalei" says the bumper sticker on a rusty, surfboard-loaded pickup puttering slowly down the winding, two-lane road in front of my rental car. I [am] approaching a bridge into Kauai's green, green Hanalei Valley.

The bridge itself is a political statement aimed at keeping "progress" out of this isolated community on the north shore of the Hawaiian island of Kauai.

Over centuries, Native Hawaiians farmed taro and other food crops in this fertile valley. Native crops gave way to a boom of rice farming in the 19th century.

Today, waterfalls thread thousands of feet down emerald-green hillsides beyond ponds that once again grow taro, now used in traditional dishes plus everything from hummus to smoothies.

Travel across the valley through Hanalei (say "haw-na-LAY") town, then into the Bali Hai" area of Kauai.

There rainbows arch across cockscomb-jagged hills above some of the island's best snorkeling beaches.

"South Pacific" was filmed here. A former James Bond - actor Pierce Brosnan - has a home here. Every morning, hikers by the score set out from the Kuhio Highway's end to tackle the challenging Kalalau Trail along the Na Pali cliffs.

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Teaching Topic: Hawaiian Words 夏威夷詞彙

Language Lab
putter v.
to make small popping sounds while moving slowly
- A rusty old motorcycle puttered down the road in front of us.
putter around [phrasal verb] US :
to spend time in a relaxed way doing small jobs and other things that are not very important
- Monica loved to putter around her mother's kitchen when she was a kid.

rental adj.
the amount of money paid or collected as rent
- The rental car costs $80 per day.
- The rental fee of the apartment was raised again this year.
rental n.
- a car rental company

smoothies n.
a thick, cold drink that is made of fruit mixed with milk, yogurt, or juice
- Mom made strawberry smoothies for tonight's dessert.

jagged adj.
having a sharp, uneven edge or surface
- Jagged cliffs are a common background in Chinese paintings.
- Watch out for the jagged edge of the broken glass!


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