Tuesday, July 29, 2014

You've Graduated - Now What? (2)

If new hires weren't used to checking in with professors, they'll need to learn how to do so with their new superiors. Instead of fearing feedback, these employees should seek out opportunities to meet with their managers to discuss projects. Getting frequent feedback is crucial for helping them do work that meets managers' expectations.

Move from solo to team performance
In college, the end-of-semester report card is used to measure an individual's success. But in the working world, individual accomplishment is based on several factors. Sooner or later, new hires will be "graded" on how well they work together with coworkers to achieve goals. If they spend their first months at work in the "report card" mentality, they'll miss out on opportunities to learn from their coworkers!

Avoid eating lunch alone
New hires should view getting to know their coworkers as a worthy investment. And sharing lunch with them is an obvious way to do just that! This gives incoming staff a way to connect with coworkers in a fun setting. And some of those coworkers might become mentors, helping newbies get their careers off to a good start.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Coworker vs. Colleague 
Coworker 與 Colleague的差別
coworker 比較常用在一般會話, 同一個組織或公司的員工, 沒有職位高低的區分, 美式英文也比較常用此字
colleague 用於正式的場合, 同行的專業人士, 英式英文常用

Grammar Gym
Instead of fearing feedback, these employees should seek out opportunities to meet with their managers to discuss projects.
Instead of [verb-ing]..., [subject] should ... to .... 
- Instead of complaining about your neighborhood, you should find ways to be a good neighbor to those living around you.
- Instead of blaming your coworkers for being difficult to work with, you should take time to think about how you can be more responsible with your own work.

Language Lab
crucial adj. 重要的, 關鍵性的
something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it
- Developing new products is crucial for this enterprise right now.
- This crucial election can determine the future of the country.
- We need to discuss this thoroughly before making this crucial decision.

solo adj. 單獨, 獨唱, 獨奏的
done alone without anyone else helping you;
relating to a record or piece of music that is performed by a single musician, not a group:
- Rick completed his first solo flight today.
- The lead singer just released his solo album last week.
solo n.
a piece of music for one performer
- Francis is singing the solo in this song.

mentality n. 心理, 心態, 思維方式
a particular attitude or way of thinking, especially one that you think is wrong or stupid:
- The "good student" mentality sometimes holds us back from taking risks.
- Alex spent years studying the criminal mentality.

mentor n. 良師, 人生導師
an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person
- My uncle has always been my mentor. He's not only wise but also pushes me to accept challenges.


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