Monday, July 21, 2014

More Than Meets the Eye (1)

More Than Meets the Eye 眼見不一定為憑
Harry gets the chance to show what he can do

Harry yawned as he swept the floor. He worked at Whole Body Medicines, a company that developed treatments for rare diseases. Harry dreamed of becoming a scientist, but the only job he could get was cleaning. Hoping for a promotion, he worked his fingers to the bone. But he hadn't been able to get his foot in the door. Harry heard a strange noise. He ran toward the sound and saw a young woman running away. A cabinet that held one of the company's new medicines was open, and the medicine was gone.

"Stop!" Harry shouted.

But the thief didn't stop. Harry chased her down the stairs and out the door. He wasn't sure how to stop her, but he decided to play it by ear.

He chased her down an alley. At the end, a fence blocked her way.

The woman turned around and snapped, "Back off!" You're in over your head.""Give back the medicine," Harry said.

Editor's Summary
Harry was bored.
He was stuck sweeping the floor at a company that developed treatments for rare diseases.
He really wanted to become a scientist and work in this field, but so far the only job he could get was cleaning the floors.
He was hoping for a promotion, but still hadn't been able to get his foot in the door at all.
All of a sudden as Harry was working, he was thinking about all of this and daydreaming, he heard something strange.
And when he hurried to see what it was, he saw a young woman running away from a cabinet that had been opened.
And that cabinet, it held the new medicines the company was developing.
Harry yelled at her to stop, but she didn't.
So he chased after her down the stairs and out the door and down an alley.
She finally had to stop because there was a fence stopping her.
The woman turned around and snapped at him to back off.
But Harry just told her to return the medicine.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Cadence 韻律
想提升英文寫作, 除了字彙和文法之外,
也要注意 cadence 節奏,
如果用於詩或演講, cadence 則指仰揚頓挫的韻律,
- Harry chased her down the stairs and out the door.
- Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream"

Grammar Gym
Hoping for a promotion, he worked his fingers to the bone.
Hoping [for a something], [subject] + [verb].
- Hoping to catch Gloria's attention, Dennis did all kings of crazy things in class.
- Hoping for a miracle, Rachel prays every day.

Language Lab
yawn v.打哈欠
to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored:
- Patrick yawned a lot today because he stayed up really late last night.
yawn n.
an act of yawning
- Tina gave a big yawn while listening to the presentation.

promotion n. 升級, 晉升 [pro-向前/ motion- 運動, 移動]
a move to a more important job or position in a company or organization:
- William got the promotion he had always wanted.
promote v. 晉升
to give someone a better, more responsible job in a company
- Nicky was recently promoted to manager.

anatomy n.
the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies;
the structure of a body, or of a part of a body

snap v. 無禮的, 怒氣沖沖的打斷別人
past tense and past participle snapped, present participle snapping
to break with a sudden sharp noise, or to make something break with a sudden sharp noise;
- "Leave me alone!" Richard snapped.
to say something quickly in an angry way:
snap at
- Nancy snapped at her mother and ruched out of the door.

in over one's head 超乎能力之外, 難以理解的
to be or get involved in something that is too difficult for you to deal with:
- With my new responsibilities, I'm really in over my head. You'd better find someone else to help.
- The professor's lecture went over my head.


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