Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to Write Clearly (1)

How to Write Clearly 如何寫出清楚明瞭的文章 
Follow these tips to improve your writing 遵循這些訣竅來改善你的文章 

If you are afraid to write, don't be.

If you think you've got to string together big fancy words and high-flying phrase, forget it.

To write well, unless you aspire to be a professional poet or novelist, you only need to get your ideas across simply and clearly. It is not easy. But it is easier than you might imagine.

There are only three basic requirements:

First, you must want to write clearly. And I believe you really do if you've stayed this far with me.

Second, you must be willing to work hard.

Third, you must know and follow some basic guidelines.

If, while you're writing for clarity, some lovely, dramatic or inspired phrases or sentences come to you, fine. Put them in. But then with cold, objective eyes and mind, ask yourself: "Do they detract from clarity?" If they do, grit your teeth and cut the frills.

Follow some basic guidelines
I can't give you a complete list of "dos and don'ts" for every writing problem you'll ever face. But I can give you some fundamental guidelines that cover the most common problems.

1. Outline what you want to say. 
I know that sounds grade schoolish. But you can't write clearly until, before you start, you know where you will stop. Ironically, that's even a problem in writing an outline (i.e., knowing the ending before you begin).
So try this method:

  • On 3"x5" cards, write - one point to a card - all the points you need to make.
  • Divide the cards into piles - one pile for each group of points closely related to each other. (If you were describing an automobile, you'd put all the points about safety in another, and so on.)
  • Arrange your piles of points in a sequence. Which are most important and should be given first or saved for last? Which must you present before others in order to make the others understandable?

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Muses and Writer’s Block 繆斯與寫作障礙
Muses and Writer’s Block
Muses 宙斯女兒繆斯, 藝術女神, 靈感來源
Writer’s Block 創作障礙

Grammar Gym
"And I believe you really do if you've stayed this far with me."
stayed this far with me/ to stay this far with someone
(for a long time)
- I've stayed this far with the speaker, and I still don't understand what he's saying.
- You've stayed this far with the program, so please don't give up right now.
- I know we don't like the plan, but since we've come this far already, let's just continue with the plan.

Language Lab
high-flying adj. 在高空飛行, 野心勃勃的, 胸懷大志的
flying far above the ground
- Stop spending time on those high-flying ideas. You have to learn the basics first.
high-flying adj. 成功的
someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school
- Samantha's father is a high-flying movie producer.

frill n. 荷葉邊, 裝飾性皺褶, 無用的或不必要的裝飾
a narrow piece of cloth that has many small folds in it, and that is attached to something as a decoration;
attractive but unnecessary features
- This politician's campaign booklet is all frills, with no real substance.
- This hotel is nice and clean, excellent in service without any frills.

clarity n.
the quality of being clear and easy to see or hear [↪ clear]:

grit v.
a)  to use all your determination to continue in spite of difficulties:
b)  to bite your teeth together, especially when you are in pain, angry, or under pressure:

ironically adv. 諷刺的, 具有諷刺意味的
used when talking about a situation in which the opposite of what you expected happens or is true:
- For a girl who didn't really like to dress up, Rita ironically became a top model.
ironic adj. 諷刺的, 令人啼笑皆非的
an ironic situation is one that is unusual or amusing because something strange happens or the opposite of what is expected happens or is true;
using words that are the opposite of what you really mean, often in a joking way
- The movie has an ironic ending.

sequence n. 順序, 次序
the order that something happens or exists in, or the order it is supposed to happen or exist in
- The story of the movie is presented in chronological sequence.
- Is there a particular sequence in which these exhibits are displayed?


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