Saturday, February 22, 2014

Depression Part 2: Fighting the Darkness (1)

Where does depression come from, and how is it conquered?

Depression affects people all over the world, replacing happiness with despair and emptiness. But there is hope! Understanding this disease's causes and treatments can put people on the road to healing.

Why me?
I struggled with depression for many years without knowing what triggered it. It was terrifying to be so miserable for no apparent reason.  Many elements can contribute to depression, and several of them affected me.

Here are just a few:

  • Physical problems: Some illnesses and problems with hormones can cause depression.

Language Lab
despair n.
a feeling that you have no hope at all
- The people in this refugee camp live in despair and poverty.
- In despair, he stopped calling for help because he realized no one could hear him.
因為他發現沒有人會聽到他的聲音, 在絕忘中他停止了呼救
despair v.
to feel that there is no hope at all
- Even though Max got rejected many times at auditions, he never despaired.
雖然Max試鏡被拒絕很多次, 但他從來不絕忘

trigger v.
to make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events
- The quarrel between the couple triggered a serious conflict between their two families.

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