Friday, February 14, 2014

A Love Story (2)

"Luke, are you OK?" asked Luke's older brother, Henry.

Gazing out the window, Luke answered, "Yeah, I'm just thinking about a girl."

Henry laughed softly, "Ah, puppy love."

Luke glared at his brother. They had a love-hate relationship. Henry didn't always take Luke seriously, but Luke knew Henry's heart was in the right place.

Henry stopped laughing. "Well, why don't you ask out?"

"She wouldn't want to go out with me," Luke groaned.

"What makes you think that? Maybe you're not as cool as me, but, hey, who is?" Henry laughed.

"And doing nothing won't get you anywhere."

Luke gave a half-hearted nod. Asking Emma out was a frightening prospect, but it was worth a try.

He just hoped Andrew wouldn't try to stop him.

The next morning, Luke took a deep breath and set off across the school courtyard toward Emma.

It was time to win her heart.

But before Luke reached her, the bell rang, and Emma headed into the school.

As she hurried away, a wallet fell out her bag.

Editor's Summary
One day as Luke was gazing out the window and thinking about Emma, his brother Henry suggested that he just ask her out.
Luke felt that it was too frightening to think about, but he should try it.
So the very next morning, he headed toward Emma across the school courtyard.
Before he could get to her, the bell rang.
And as she turned to go inside, her wallet fell out of her bag.

Info Cloud
Teaching Topic: Saved by the Bell

saved by the bell 在最後關頭得救
這句話來自拳擊手, 當比賽鈴聲響起, 這個回合就結束了,
這個冠用語可用在任何得救的情況, 但不十定要有個bell,
但有個鈴響會用的更傳神, 像今天課文的學校鐘響,
Luke 可逃過一節,先不用跟Emma講話的情況

Grammar Gym
Maybe you're not as cool as me, but, hey, who is?
what was just said might be unfortunate but there's nothing that the speaker can do to change the situation.
- We have to wait two hours at the check-in counter, but, hey, what can we do since we have a plane to catch?
- I know Tyler has some bad habits, but, hey, no one is perfect.

Language Lab
glare v. [intransitive] glare at
to look angrily at someone for a long time
- The boy glared at the school bully for a long time.
glare n.
- The student gave his teacher a hostile glare after she punished him for tardiness.

groan v.
to complain about something
- "My shoes hurt," Ellen groaned.
- Charlie groaned about how his boss treated him.
[intransitive] to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed, or because something is very enjoyable [= moan]
- The patient groaned in pain because he was badly wounded.

prospect n. [spect字根-看]
the possibility that something will happen
- The prospect of having non-stop meetings for three whole days really scares me.
- Irene is very excited at the prospect of working with her idol.

courtyard n.
an open space that is completely or partly surrounded by buildings
- The garden in our courtyard is my father's masterpiece.
- We went through an arch into a beautiful courtyard with a fountain.


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